Welcome to the….
St. Joseph and Northwest Missouri NEEDS a Skilled and Educated workforce for growth and development!!!
The Goal - To look at career opportunities right here in Northwest Missouri You will join over 2,500 Sophomores from 47 area schools Talk 1 on 1 with area businesses - over 80 are represented at the event Talk 1 on 1 with area colleges, universities and technical schools
Specialized Training Technical Associates Bachelors Masters 80% of all new jobs created in America will require some form of after high school education or training!!
The more you learn… the more you earn Education/TrainingAvg. Weekly WageUnemployment High School Drop-Out (minimum wage jobs) $ %
The more you learn… the more you earn Education/TrainingAvg. Weekly WageUnemployment High School Drop-Out (minimum wage jobs) $ % High School Diploma $ %
The more you learn… the more you earn Education/TrainingAvg. Weekly WageUnemployment High School Drop-Out (minimum wage job) $ % High School Diploma $ % Some College or Associates Degree $ %
The more you learn… the more you earn Education/TrainingAvg. Weekly WageUnemployment High School Drop-Out (minimum wage job) $ % High School Diploma $ % Some College or Associates Degree $ % Bachelors Degree or Higher $ %
The person who stays in school and gets some post secondary education/training WILL EARN TWICE AS MUCH AS THE ONE WHO DOESNT!!! WILL EARN TWICE AS MUCH AS THE ONE WHO DOESNT!!!
Your self-assessment test should have identified one of the Career Pathways listed below. Start with the pathway where your initial interests lie. Arts and Communications Purple Business/Management/Marketing Blue Engineering/Manufacturing Orange Health Sciences Red Human Services YellowHuman Services Yellow Natural Resources & Agri-Sciences-----Green Career Pathways
First - You will be given a PEN that is the same color as your Career Pathway Second - You will be given a folder. Important information will be in your folder – Take a minute to review! Third - Listen for announcements for your Lunch time and Wrap up Session. Fourth – While visiting with the Businesses, please take time to visit with the College & Universities. Listen for announcements during the day!!!!! When You Arrive…
Over $5,000 in prizes Prizes!!!!!! GRAND PRIZE each day: Laptop Computer
How To Win Prizes: Get raffle tickets by being actively engaged with the business representatives! By asking lots of questions, you will receive a raffle ticket PLEASE fill out your raffle tickets during the day Every school will win at least one prize The Grand Prizes will be awarded at the end of each day. In a few days, take a look at our website, to see the winners!
Wrap Up Session LISTEN for the announcement telling you it is time for your schools wrap-up session Quickly complete a survey Brief discussion about Making Good Choices Prizes will be awarded Return to the Buses
Finally- Have Fun!!!!!!!