System’s generalities and structure of the final report Cesidio Bianchi. INGV
Index Introduction 1.Identification of Critical Infrastructures in the Mediterranean Sea context and communications’ criticalities. 2. Determination of the topology of high survival HF radio communication network. 3.Internet criticalities and activation/deactivation of HF network. 4.High survival HF radio network. 5.HF management communication system and link optimization. 6.Design and realization of HF station prototype. 7.SWING system’s generalities. 8.Conclusions. References 2SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
SVP Supervision Program (SVP) is a general procedure for management and control as well as a methodology valid and applicable in every point (or node) of the HF network. This program contains the common concepts adopted for the protection of maritime CI in the context of the Mediterranean Sea. It also deals with the common technical requirements for the data/voice communication (radio electric parameters, network and data protocol, etc.) 3SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
SVP Supervision Program 4SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
DSVF Distributed Supervision Functions (DSVFs) follows the general procedure established by SVP. It is a program that runs in every HF network point (or critical infrastructure). It resides in the workstation (PC) to manages the fully reconfigurable hardware that constitute the transmitting/receiving stations. The system is based on the Software Defined Radio technology. Among the various techniques the USRP or Universal Software Radio Peripheralof Ettus has been employed. DSVP contains routine for internet check, activation/deactivation of the network and frequency management. 5SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
USRP 6SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
Internet control 7SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
Frequency selection 8SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
DSVP 9SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
DSVF Distributed Supervision Function 10SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
DSVP flow chart 11SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
DSVP flow chart-2 12SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
SWING HF network point 13SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
FINAL REPORT 14SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 Introduction 1.Identification of Critical Infrastructures in the Mediterranean Sea context and communications’ criticalities. 2. Determination of the topology of high survival HF radio communication network. 3.Internet criticalities and activation/deactivation of HF network. 4.High survival HF radio network. 5.HF management communication system and link optimization. 6.Design and realization of HF station prototype. 7.SWING system’s generalities. 8.Conclusions. References
Critical Infrastructures 15SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
NETWORK TOPOLOGY 16SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 ECI CGA Link Contention based scenario (DCHF). ECI CGA Link ECI-CGA Token logical ring Local HFTP Each node that needs to transmit waits for token reception. Upon receiving the token, it is allowed to try to transmit its packet for a limited time interval before releasing the token. Every transmitting node senses the channel and then establishes a connection with the receiver
Activation/deactivation of Net 17SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
High survival HF network 18SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 Example of implementation: Block diagram of an OFDM transceiver
Frequency management 19SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013 Spectrum analysis directly implemented in USRP
Demonstrator 20SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
SVP-DSVP 21SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/2013
SWING deliverables 22SWING Final Meeting | CNIT - Pisa, Italy13/12/ Interface with EU authorities and coordination. 2-Technical analysis of the communication problems related to the identification and designation of CIs in the interested area. 3-Determination of the topology of high survival radio communication network. 4-Characterization of the minimal amount of information necessary for the survival of the CIs communication. 5-Operative supervision of the network architecture. 6-Analysis of the existing architecture of HF communication based on Internet protocol access with reference to the above considered infrastructures. 7-Analysis of existing HF connection system in terms of software and hardware for Internet connection. 8-Definition of the high survival HF radio network technical requirements. 9-Radio network system design. 10-Criteria of early warning alert and procedures to activate the back-up network. 11-Monthly prediction of the hourly HF set of frequencies over the N radio links given by the network, based on the available ionospheric model and methods. 12-Daily forecasting of the hourly HF set of frequencies based on the Mediterranean ionospheric measurements. 13-Ground wave propagation analysis when required. 14-Frequency management system for HF communication link optimization. 15-Identification of the professional profile able to maintain and operate network. 16-Dissemination of deliverables within communities informing about initiatives organised in the context of the project. 17-Professional training activities through courses, workshops and conferences. 18-Assessment of the potential impact and feasibility of the project for ECIs and CGAs and final recommendations for the EC. 19-Realization of a demonstrator constituted by 4-terminals HF network. 18 TR Thanks