The Principles of Design The Principles of Design are ways that you organize the Elements of Art…
Balance How visual weight is distributed to create equilibrium within a work of art. Symmetrical: Same on both sides Asymmetrical: Different but still balanced
Contrast Contrast is showing differences between the Elements to create interest. Three Muscians by Picasso
Examples of contrast Smooth-rough Plain-patterned Warm-cool Large shapes-small shapes Geometric shapes-organic organic shapes Light values-dark values Bright colors-neutral colors
Emphasis Greater attention on certain areas, objects, elements or feelings in a work of art, for example, to emphasize color for mood or importance.
Movement Arranging the parts of a work of art to create a visual path through the work to the focal point.
Pattern Repeating elements, such as line or shape, to create a surface decoration. The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
Pattern can be regular or irregular.
Rhythm A type of movement in art where some elements recur regularly. Like a dance, it will have a flow of objects that will seem to be like the beat of music.
Rhythm can be regular or irregular.
Unity A sense of oneness and wholeness in a work of art. Unity is when everything in the art work is tied together visually.
Unity can be achieved by: Similar colors Grouping Lining up edges Overlapping objects Repeated technique or texture Perspective Using a focal point
The 7 Principles of Design Balance Contrast Emphasis Movement Pattern Rhythm Unity
PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN BALANCE – equilibrium from the distribution of visual weight CONTRAST – differences that create visual interest EMPHASIS – greater attention given to an element for importance or mood MOVEMENT – a visual path to the focal point PATTERN – surface decoration created by repeating elements, such as line or shape. RHYTHM - A type of movement in art where some elements recur regularly like the beat of music. UNITY - A sense of oneness when in the artwork everything is tied together visually.