Areas of Technical Assistance Possibilities in Eurostat Energy Community – 18/4/2013
Areas of technical assistance Current situation of energy statistics in Eurostat International cooperation in Eurostat Options of cooperation The long-term view
Current situation Iceland, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey: Official candidate countries Albania: applied for membership not yet been recognised as official candidate country Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo(*): association agreement preparing application * This designation is without prejudice to position on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
4 Country Overview (Quantities) CountryStatusAnnualMonthlyRemark AlbaniaACCNo Bosnia & HPCCNo Croatia EU-MS*Yes FYR o. MK.CCYesNo Moldova -No MontenegroCCYesNo SerbiaCCYesNo Ukraine -No Kosovo*PCCNo Armenia -No Georgia -No Turkey CCYesYes(*)Not solid
5 Country Overview (Prices) CountryStatusPPP (?) ELEC HH ELEC IND GAS HH GAS IND Remark AlbaniaACCYes Non.a. Bosnia & HPCCYes Croatia EU- MS* Yes FYR o. MK.CCYes n.a.Yes Moldova -No MontenegroCCYes n.a. SerbiaCCYesNo Start 2013 Ukraine -No Kosovo*PCCNo Armenia -No Georgia -No Turkey CCYes
6 Country Overview (Prices) CountryStatusPPP (?) ELEC HH ELEC IND GAS HH GAS IND Remark AlbaniaACCYes Non.a. Bosnia & HPCCYes Croatia EU- MS* Yes FYR o. MK.CCYes n.a.Yes Moldova -No MontenegroCCYes n.a. SerbiaCCYesNo Start 2013 Ukraine -No Kosovo*PCCNo Armenia -No Georgia -No Turkey CCYes
Memento Single Entry Point ("EDAMIS" transmission system) Use only standard questionnaires (Excel format) Use the correct units (e.g. prices: NAC/kWh or GJ) Electricity prices: report disaggregated prices (production/network) every second reporting Every 2 years: Price systems (info on the survey, taxes etc.).
Cooperation with Eurostat Examples of recent cooperation: Candidate Countries Development initiatives within the EU Medstat Energy consumption in households Cooperation activities: Very big activities in past decennium (12 accessions) Much reduced in recent years
Cooperation with Candidate Countries Meetings and presentations (funded traveling) Traineeships Central funding ("enlargement") e.g. IPA Compliance monitoring Processing of statistical data
Cooperation with other Energy Community Countries [1/2] Meetings and presentations Participation is possible, but no funding No processing of statistical data on energy quantities Participation to workshops Synergies with Inogate … ?
Cooperation with other Energy Community Countries [2/2] Service contract beneficiaries: Albania, Bosnia & H, Montenegro, Kosovo* Grant beneficiaries: Croatia, FYR o. MK., Serbia, Turkey More flexible arrangement Proposals still possible Traineeships
NEPT (National Experts on Professional Training) IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession) Eligible countries: Albania, Bosnia & H, Croatia, FYR o. MK., Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*, Turkey Funding offered (per diem) ! … but no interest this year ! Call for interest Jan-Jun 2014 period: around June Recent examples: Kosovo (Ms Arlinda Mataj); Montenegro (Ms Suzanna Gojcaj); FYR o. MK. (Mr Goran Spasev)
The long term view … Practical implementation needs further reflection Processing capabilities in Eurostat do not extend beyond the EU area (including CC) However, all important questionnaires are fully compatible with the IEA Reporting to the IEA will ensure competent QA if Eurostat is not in a position of processing your data