Under the same roof: Libraries, Museums and Archives Teldan Info Dr. Susan Hazan 2010 Tweeting the library, archive and museum: keeping collections in the loop
Twitter is a social networking site like Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn What is Twitter?
Microblogging Web site for unlimited messages of 140 characters or less What makes Twitter different?
Twitter offers real-time snapshots of what is going on now Why Tweet?
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem Who Tweets? News, events, exhibitions
Who follows the museum?
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Museums who Tweet The American Museum of Natural History The British Museum MuseumModernArt GettyMuseum HolocaustMuseum DesignMuseum TheWarholMuseum Exploratorium DallasMuseumArt The Brooklyn Museum The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Museum of Modern Art Philadelphia Museum of Art PS.1 The Queens Museum The Smithsonian The Tate The Whitney Museum vangoghmuseum
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What is Twitter?
You follow some - you are followed by others – now what? What is Twitter? Getting complicated?
What can I do with Twitter? The Official Twitter Mashup Page Everything you ever wanted to do with Twitter and more…
Set up a Twitter an hourly or daily Alert on tweetbeep.com Are you worried that someone is Tweeting about you?
Join a list – find a friend – meet other librarians at Getting complicated? Phone a friend Librarians listed on Just Tweet It
Sign up to Tweeteffect.com and learn what impact you are making on others Why are they leaving you? What made them join you in the first place?
Twitalyzer is an analytics application for short-messaging media - Twitalyzer.com Need to analyze your Librarys Twitter success?
lets you track how you are doing in realtime Do you need to know how you appear in Twitter?
The entire world is at you fingertweets Are you getting into Twitter yet?
Tweet about your favorite radio show, tv program, sushi, or new born baby It seems that Twitter is everywhere
The Education and Social Work Library, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Who to follow …
Between face to face meetings – tweeting to keep up with each other Museums community
What was happening in parallel sessions, meeting for diner? During the MW2010 Conference in Denver, April 2010
#mw2010 #strandedeuropeans Who is stuck in Denver?
#strandedeuropeans the T-shirt The last one home
Get a map! How to visualise all those networks Twitter?
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#susan.hazan Susan Hazan