Resolved… I hereby renounce my allegiance to the world. Today, I will quit trying to fit in with the world, quit trying to gain the approval of people who dont share my faith and honor my Lord. Today, I resolve to be different, even if that means that I am regarded as strange and peculiar by others.
The Joy of Not Fitting In Romans 12:1-2; I Peter 2:9, 11 Romans 12:1-2; I Peter 2:9, 11 A Difficult Goal What is most important to people? A Difficult Goal What is most important to people? Money Money Friends Friends Fun Fun Laughter Laughter Getting what you want (satisfaction) Getting what you want (satisfaction) Approval Approval
Most are conformists…
But we are different! Luke 6:20ff. 1. Jesus clarifies the characteristics of a Christian 2. Jesus gives instructions that are anti-culture and counterintuitive. If you are really a Christian, you look like this: youre poor, hungry, cry a lot and most people dont like you. If you are really a Christian, you look like this: youre poor, hungry, cry a lot and most people dont like you. I.e., if we are going to be full of joy, we must find our joy in places the world does not even recognize. I.e., if we are going to be full of joy, we must find our joy in places the world does not even recognize.
Character traits of Christians Poor in spirit (Mt. 5:3) Poor in spirit (Mt. 5:3) Always hungry (I Pet. 2:2-3) Always hungry (I Pet. 2:2-3) Cry a lot (Lk. 18:9-14) Cry a lot (Lk. 18:9-14)
Character Traits of Christians Poor in spirit (Mt. 5:3) Poor in spirit (Mt. 5:3) Always hungry (I Pet. 2:2-3) Always hungry (I Pet. 2:2-3) Cry a lot (Lk. 18:9-14) Cry a lot (Lk. 18:9-14) Unpopular (Lk. 6:26, 22-23; John 5:44) Unpopular (Lk. 6:26, 22-23; John 5:44)
Have you found the joy of not fitting in? Luke 6 Verdict & Reward I approve those of you who are poor and give YOU the kingdom. I approve those of you who are poor and give YOU the kingdom. I approve those who are willing to cry now; you will laugh in eternity (I love that idea!) I approve those who are willing to cry now; you will laugh in eternity (I love that idea!) I approve those of you who have hunger pangs now… you will be satisfied beyond your imagination; just be patient I approve those of you who have hunger pangs now… you will be satisfied beyond your imagination; just be patient I approve those of you who are made fun of, mocked and scorned. I approve those of you who are made fun of, mocked and scorned.
Embrace the Joy of Being Odd Quit trying to fit in with a world that cares nothing about your Lord and Master