For Those in Pain Understanding Suffering Deuteronomy 8:1-5; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Some simple truth about suffering If Christ suffered, we must suffer 1 Peter 4:1 2 ways we can suffer: For good or bad 1 Peter 4:15, 16 Not all suffering is caused by sin John 9:1-5 God can convert into good Genesis 50:19-20
D euteronomy 8:2-5 Moses highlights three reasons for suffering To humble you To test you To teach you Why? Through hunger and provision To see if you would keep His commands So that you would know what is in your heart
2 Corinthians 1:1-11 Paul highlights three reasons for suffering So that: We might be prepared to comfort others We might not trust in ourselves We might learn to give thanks in everything
While in your trials or hardship Dont Forget: We are not exempt from pain – Matthew 5:45 Its inevitable – So dont be surprised by it 1 Peter 4: It wont last forever Psalms 30:5 Dont give up Galations 6:9
Dont forget cont… Be counter-cultural – Count it all joy James 1:2-4 God will deliver us Psalms 34: God is Present Romans 8:28 Gen 39:20-21