Data Flow SBMAX Reads: Raw Data Files Old ALL Format Data Files HSX (Multibeam EC1 records) Applies (optionally): Tide Correction Files SV Correction Files Saves: ALL2 Format Data Files (Default) Old All Format Data Files Raw Data Files Optionally: *.TID SBMAX *.VEL Old ALL Format Files ALL2 Format Files Read a single file, selected files from a *.LOG, or the entire *.LOG file 2
Correcting for Tides Tide Corrections: Using a Tide Correction File: Make a Tide Correction file (*.TID) in the MANUAL TIDES program. Enter the name of your file RTK Tides: No entry is needed. Set up RTK Tide parameters in Advanced tab of Read Parameters window. Manual tides entered during SURVEY: Specify ‘Manual Entry in Survey’ as Tide Device in Selection tab of Read Parameters Telemetry Tides: Specify telemetry tide device as Tide Device in Selection tab of Read Parameters. 3
Correcting for Sound Velocity Sound Velocity Corrections Calibrated sounder with a bar check: No correction file is needed. Using a velocity probe: Create a Sound Velocity Correction file (*.VEL) in the SOUND VELOCITY program. Enter the name of your correction file. Using fixed corrections at different depths: No entry is needed. After editing your data, run the SOUNDING ADJUSTMENT program. Separate corrections can be computed for the high and low frequency depth values. Use Depth 1 computes an SV correction for both frequencies, using just the high frequency. Use Depth 2 computes an SV correction for both frequencies, using just the low frequency. Use Both, computes separate SV corrections, using the depths of the high and low frequency. 4
Read Parameters: Selections Window Select the equipment to be edited. Set ‘Tide’ to ‘Manual Entry in SURVEY’ To read Tide values that were manually entered during data collection. ‘Snap to Line’: Moves soundings so they fall on the planned line. Pretty, but….. Dangerous 5
Read Parameters: Offsets Window Changing offsets ONLY works when reading in RAW data files! Change the Latency value. Change the Position Offsets of a sensor. 6
Read Parameters: Survey Info Window Shows: Time and Date of the 1st data file. Entries from SURVEY’s Project Information window. Project Area Boat Surveyor Geodesy info from 1st data file. 7
Read Parameters: Presort Window Divides each survey line into ‘Blocks’. Blocks can be created by: Time (Seconds) Distance (ft or m) # of Depths Loads one depth from each block into the spreadsheet. Min, Max, 1st in Block, Average To thin your data, it is preferable to use one of the Sounding Selection routines AFTER you edit your data. Select ‘Yes, Except Events’ to protect the location of your event marks. Pat hates Presort….. 8
Read Parameters: GPS Pre-Filter Window Used to pre-filter positions and/or RTK Tides. If Quality of GPS position is less than specified: Position is not used (top section) RTK Tide is not computed for point (bottom section) When positions are deleted from interior of line, new positions are interpolated and not depths are lost. When positions are deleted from the ends of a line, depth data is lost. 9
Read Parameters: Advanced Window RTK Tides: Enable RTK Tides and Select a Method Average Tide (preferred) Averaging period = 5 wave periods (in secs.) Recalculate allows you to fix problems due to bad configurations. MRU Apply Heave: That’s why you bought it. Apply Pitch and Roll Corrections: Re-computes position of transducer using pitch and roll data. Remove Heave Drift: Tries to re-center the heave about the ‘0’. POSPac Adjustments & Post-Processed GPS Corrections Allows you to adjust positions with post-processed *.OUT and comma-separated-value files. 10
RTK Tides: Tide and Draft Window Read Parameters Window Set parameters in the Advanced Tab of the Read Parameters Tide and Draft Window Raw RTK Tides values: Color-coded by GPS Status Averaged RTK Tides (RED line on graph) Eliminate RTK Tide Spikes due to short- term lost of Fixed RTK in the Tides window. 11
Correction of Heave Drift Heave Drift NOT Removed Heave values can drift ‘off-center’ due to rapid accelerations or changes of direction. Heave Drift Removed 12
Read Parameters: Advanced Window: Steer Sounding Beam The position of the sounding is based upon the center of your transducer beam. ‘Steer Sounding Beam’ computes a new location for the center of your transducer beam, based on the pitch and roll values. D’ = cos(pitch)*cos(roll)*D. X’,Y’ X,Y 13
POSPac Adjustments AVI Allows the user to apply enhanced Post-Processed positions, heave, pitch, roll and Tide data from a POSPac (POS/MV) file. 14
SBMAX Layout SBMAX Control Window SBMAX Spreadsheet SBMAX Survey Window SBMAX Profile Window
Other Useful Windows Echogram Window: Used to display the acoustic data for each ping from network-capable echosounders. Heave Window: Displays raw heave values. Examine each line for heave drift! Tide and Draft Window: Shows tide corrections. Very useful for RTK tides! Allows you to cut out short periods where you have lost RTK fixed.
Editing Track Lines: SURVEY Window You can delete ‘individual’ bad position points OR ‘Interpolate across’ user-defined blocks Edit your all of your track lines, then review the profiles one-by-one. Deleting interior positions results in no loss of depth data, as new positions are interpolated across the deleted track. Deleting exterior positions results in the loss of depth data. AVI Deleted Positions Deleted Positions No loss of depth data Loss of depth data at end of line 17
Background Files in Survey Window Users can display all background files in the Survey Windows of SBMAX and MBMAX. Hit ‘F9’ to get to the View Options window and enable ‘Show Charts’. 18
Profile Window: Manual Editing Tools Delete the points Inside the Block Delete the points Outside the Block Swap Depths Inside the Block Restore Deleted Points Inside the Block Flag Starting/Ending Points of Block Eraser Tool – Deletes Points within Square Apply Filters to the Current Line Smoothing Filter -- Use with Caution Delete Above Line Delete Below Line Make JPG of Current Profile Window Prints Current Profile Window Zoom Window Pan Left (When Zoomed In) Pan Right (When Zoomed In) Zoom to the Full Extents of Window ‘Interpolate’ will create new z-values for each sounding, based on the surrounding soundings. ‘Delete’ will remove the sounding and create a ‘gap’ of no data. Profile Window: Manual Editing Tools 19
Editing Track Lines: in the Profile Window Interpolate across position spikes by setting flags in the profile window. 20
Profile Window: ‘Depth vs. DBL’ or ‘Depth vs. Time’ Surveying across a Channel: Use ‘Depth vs. DBL’ Surveying around Curves or Doubling back against your course: Use ‘Depth vs. Time’ Hit ‘F9’ to get quick access to the display settings 21
Profile Window: Lines vs. Points 22
Profile Window: Deleting Above/Below Lines
Echogram Window: For Echosounders that Provide Digital Acoustic Data View acoustic data from: Odom MK3 Odom CV3 Simrad EA400 Knudsen Manually digitize acoustic echogram. Display High Frequency Low Frequency 24
Filters Hit ‘CTRL-F’ to get to the Filter Set-Up Window. Minimum Depth Maximum Depth Offline Limit Spike Limit Pitch Roll Limit Keep Events Only AVI 25
Restoring Deleted Points Deleted points are maintained. In Memory in SBMAX In the Edited ALL2 format data files. You can restore deleted points in the Profile Window. 26
Spreadsheet Window: Configuration 27
Spreadsheet Window: Export to TXT File Configure your spreadsheet before export. User Defined Output Delimiters: Space Comma Options: One TXT File for every data file. One TXT File for all data files. Useful for quickly generating XYZ files 28
Tools Menu Tide Adjustment Heave Adjustment AVI Centerline Method: Used to interpolate tide correction values along a river using multiple gauges. 3 Point Method: Used to interpolate tide corrections using 3 separate gauges. Tide Offset: Used to add a fixed offset to Tide Correction values. Heave Adjustment POS/MV True Heave File: Reads ‘True’ heave from files logged by Applanix POS/MV. User can enter multiple files. F180 iHeave File: Reads ‘iHeave’ files logged by Coda Octopus F180. AVI
Tools Menu: Draft Adjustment Dynamic Draft Adjustment Generates new dynamic draft corrections based on the speed of the vessel and the user-defined correction table. Can create a single table or a shallow vs. deep water table. The same routine as the DRAFTTABLE.DLL, now available in post-processing.
Tools Menu: Sound Velocity Adjustment Inserts sound velocity corrections based on the measured depth and the correction values from a table.
Save Options Save: Saves the Currently Displayed File with its Prefix. Save As: Saves the Currently Displayed File with Prefix of your Choice. Save All: Saves All the data files that are loaded, with same Prefix. Save to XYZ: Saves all data to an XYZ file. Save Options: User Defined Save Options are set. 32
Save Options Files are saved to project’s Edit folder. Original data files are not modified in any way. File Extension Options: *.EDT (Default) User Defined (Useful for separating Pre VS. Post Survey data) Can now have unlimited length extensions. File Formats: Edited ALL2 Format (Default) Old Edited ALL Format 33
Survey Notes File Pulldown Menu Show Read Parameters… Re-Display Read Parameters Window, to double check how the settings were applied to the raw data when it was loaded NOTE: These Parameters CANNOT be changed once the files have been loaded into the Editor Show Survey Notes… Display any Notes that were entered in HYPACK SURVEY’s Comment Window when the Raw Data file was being collected in SURVEY Use when the editors don’t participate in the survey. 34
Statistics, Integration, and Corrections: File Menu Overlay: Overlay additional sounding files from the same survey line. Templates: Display up to four (4) Channel Templates in Profile Window. Offline Statistics: Display Offline Histogram of the Survey Data. Information: Statistical Information about the Survey Data. Merge Depths: Ability to Merge Digitized data with Raw Data. Sounding Migration: Re-compute the XY position of a Depth, based upon the Transducer Cone Angle and the Slope of the bottom. 35
De-Selection and Targets File Menu Ignore Current Line (F7) Removes the Current Selected file from the File List Save Point as Target (F5) Saves the Current Cursor Location to a Target in a User defined Target file. Description can also be User defined 36
Overlaying Previous Data Files Datafiles from other surveys can be displayed in the profile window. The data must have been collected on the same planned lines. 37
Sounding Migration For Reservoirs and Steep Slopes A = Transducer Position B = Point of 1st Ensonification Without Migration: Depth D = AB is assigned at Point P With Migration: Depth D’ is computed based on: Depth D Beam Width Bottom Slope Depth D’ is then assigned at Point P’. P’ P A D’ D B JPGS 38
Edit Menu Delete Point: Removes a single point. Insert Point: Used to insert point(s) before or after the current cursor position. Merge Corrections: Adjusts the Raw Sounding by adding all of the individual corrections to it. Then ‘zeroes out’ all corrections. Fill Survey: Allows you to set a constant value for dynamic draft, tide, sound velocity, etc. Depth 1-2 Difference: Takes the difference between Depth 1 (High Freq.) and Depth 2 (Low Freq.) and stores it in the Raw Depth 1 value. Depth 2-1 Difference: Absolute Value Depth 1: Modifies the Raw Depth 1 values by taking the absolute value. Absolute Value Depth 2: Modifies the Raw Depth 2 values by taking the aboslute values. 39
Full Editing Session 40