Microsoft EXCEL Excel is a spreadsheet program that can be used to display data in the form of rows and columns. Formulas can be used to perform calculations on this data. By tracking numbers, amounts, lengths, measurements, or money with Excel, you can quickly predict future trends and likely results. You can calculate how much money you will pay in income taxes for a given period, or show the sales breakdown of your company operating in different locations.
Microsoft EXCEL An entire page of rows and columns is called a worksheet. A collection of one or more worksheets is stored as a workbook. Maximum number of rows: (1, 2, … 245) Maximum number of columns: ( A, B,.. AA,BB,)
Microsoft EXCEL The intersection of each row and column identifies a cell, which may contain one of three items: Numbers Text (labels) Formulas Numbers provide the data, and formulas calculate that data to produce a useful result such as adding sales results for the week, finding the maximum value in a set, or calculating the average of values in a column
Microsoft EXCEL
After you type data in a cell, you can select one of the following four key-strokes to select a different cell: Enter: Selects the cell below in the same column Tab: Selects the cell to the right in the same row Shift+Enter: Selects the cell above in the same column Shift+Tab: Selects the cell to the left in the same row Multiple cells can be selected by: - Holding down the mouse button and dragging the mouse across the cells to be selected. - Hold down the shift key and press the up/down, right/left arrow keys.
Microsoft EXCEL Formatting Numbers and Labels: When you first create a spreadsheet, numbers and labels appear as plain text. Plain labels might look boring, but plain numbers ( like 8495 or 0.39) can be difficult to read and understand, if these numbers are supposed to represent currency amounts ($8,495.00) or percentages (39%). You can format a cell or range of cells before or after data is entered.
Microsoft EXCEL Autofill: If you need to type the name of successive months or days in a row or column, simply type the first value then drag the value to another cell. Auto fill can also be used to copy a formula from one cell to another.
Microsoft EXCEL Formulas: Excel can manipulate your data by using formulas. Formulas can be as simple as adding two or more numbers together or as complicated as determining the calculation of a second-order differential equation (basic calculus). Formulas use data, stored in other cells, to calculate a new result that appears in another cell.
Microsoft EXCEL Formulas consist of three crucial bits of information: An equal sign (=) One or more cell references The type of calculation (addition, subtraction.. Etc) A cell reference is simply the unique row and column that identifies a single cell, such as A4 or D9. The four common calculations that a formula can use are: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).
Microsoft EXCEL Mathematical Operators: Addition (+) Subtraction (-) Multiplication (*) Division (/) Percentage (%) Exponentiation (^) Equal (=) Greater than ( > ) Less than ( < ) Greater than or equal to ( >= ) Less than or equal to ( <= ) Not equal to (<>)
Microsoft EXCEL Copying formulas: Formulas can be copied from one cell to another; two methods are used: Absolute referencing: The cell references do not change, when you copy them to a different cell. Relative referencing: The cell reference (column number ) changes when a cell is copied.
Microsoft EXCEL Functions: Excel has many built-in functions, Example: Max, Min, …. The IF function is a logical function. For example the following function is created as follows: =IF(B6>=$B$2,B6*0.18,"None") In programming code this reads as: If (B6 is greater than B2) Then output the value (B6 * 0.18) Else output the value None
Microsoft EXCEL Charting and Analyzing Data: Excel offers the ability to convert your data into a variety of charts such as pie charts, bar charts, and line charts. By letting you visualize your data, Excel helps you to quickly understand what your data means so that you can spot trends and patterns. Before you create a chart, you need to have numbers and labels on the spreadsheet.
Microsoft EXCEL The parts of a chart: Data Series: The numeric data that is used X-axis: Defines the width of a chart Y-axis: Defines the length of a chart Legend: Provides text to explain what each visual part of a chart means. Chart Title: Explains the purpose of the entire chart BarChartExample.xls
Microsoft EXCEL Different types of charts: Column Chart Line Chart Bar Chart Area Chart Pie Chart BarChartExample.xls (Sheet 2)
Microsoft EXCEL Different types of charts: Column Chart: Displays quantities as vertical columns that grow upward. Useful for creating charts that compare two items, such as sales per month or sales per salesperson. Line Chart: Displays quantities as lines. Essentially shows the tops of a column chart. Bar Chart: Essentially a column chart turned on its side where bars grow from left to right. Area Chart: Identical to a line chart except that it shades the area underneath each line. Pie Chart: Compares multiple items in a relation to a whole, such as which product sales make up a percentage of a companys overall profits.