Vivid images – Vivid Learning - Delivering content by video EADL-conference Drinking from the digital well Oslo 13 th – 15 th May Bent Kure Senior adviser Educational Technology Group University of Oslo Version 13.. May 2009 You can see the presentation here:
The message Its easy, its cheep and it works A simple concept for making video – the cheep and easy way You can visualise, explain and illustrate, in stead of using text Video resources on the Internet – there are millions of them, find them, use them - most of them are free
About my self Since 1985 I have worked with pedagogy and information technology As developer, designer and project manager With development of flexible courses and interactive multimedia program (e-learning) Since 2007: Senior advisor and leader of the Multimedia Group at Center for Information Technology Services, University of Oslo.
Why video? There are many good reasons for using video in distance learning. To motivate To visualise processes, phenomena etc For documentation. What really happened in 1944? To display human relations, behaviour, feelings For humour Flexibility Variation To see how experts work
Why not video? Question: Why do many institutions offer their students so much text and so little video? Answer: People believe it must be expensive and complicated? Solution: It can be easy and cheep……. ……and ….. good enough
Home-made video Using PC and a web camera What you need: A ordinary PC or Mac An ordinary web camera (a good one) Windows Movie Maker to edit the movie A web server or a place on Internet to store and distribute the video. (YouTube?) Some training
Teaching by distance: How to solve equations? What is the best way to teach distance students how to solve an equation like this?
How to sail against the wind? Can you explain, how a sailing boat can sail against the wind? How to sail from X to A, when the wind is blowing from A to X? Video A X
My production studio Just using a web-camera
Instead of lecture: A conversation between to academics Not everybody feel good, looking into a video camera to hold a short lesson about any topics Another way to deliver content, could be a discussion between colleagues about a subject matter Its easier, you feel more relaxed and it can be more fun
Resources on the net MIT on YouTube. 966 lectures on video iTunes Store iTunes UiTunes U Stanford at iTunes U Dont forget the ordinary web
Can I use the video as it is? Yes, and No ! A video in its self is not necessary a good teaching resource You, as a teacher can turn the video into a very good resource for your student by adding some didactics, a exercise or some working methods the student has to follow, to do
Next generation students.. What to they expect from you?
Lecture capture and podcasting Learning directly into the pocket Many universities have put lectures (video) free on the net The Production Line is in many cases not automated, but manual There is a big need for automated lecture capture Some solutions….
Lecture Capture Systems Accordent Echo System Mediasite Opencast project Tandberg Content Server Apple Podcast Producer Tegrity Campus
UC Berkeley Lecture Capture Systems Since 1995 (manually) About 2005: Need to increase operational efficiency, expand production capacity, automate distribution and to make content more widely available About 2008: New LCS using Apple's Podcast Producer
Nett based course about gambling and addiction More than 100 videoscourse
Course evaluation Vi asked the students the following question: The majority of the films in this course are about peoples behavior, feelings and life experiences. Which of the following statements do you agree or disagree with?
The content might as well be presented in writing. Strongly disagree Partly disagree Partly agree Strongly agree
The combination of interviews, drama, documentary and news stories increase the ability to learn dramatically? Strongly disagree Partly disagree Partly agree Strongly agree
Human emotions and behavior are displayed much better through video than the written word Strongly disagree Partly disagree Partly agree Strongly agree
Houston, we have a problem One problem for beginners could be…. to go from photography to video.