Mercury in Healthcare Industry
Hospitals and Clinics Mercury spills have occurred in clinics and hospitals Where do I look? –Examination and surgical rooms –Nurse Stations –Cafeterias (thermometers) –Laboratories and chemistry rooms
Hospitals and Clinics What to look for? –Laboratory chemicals –Mercury thermometers (laboratory and medical) –Mercury barometers –Mercury gauges –Sphygmomanometer (blood pressure device) –Gastrointestinal tubes –Fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps –Pharmaceutical products
Hospitals and Clinics In Michigan, Blood Pressure Device Sales/Use Ban: – Public Act 493 of 2006: prohibits the sale of mercury- added blood pressure devices by January 1, 2008 and their 'use' by January 1, 2009.
Hospitals and Clinics Also, Medical Devices Sales Ban Public Act 494 of 2006 : –Public Act 494 of 2006 bans the sale of esophageal dilators, bougie tubes and gastrointestinal tubes that contain mercury or mercury-compounds beginning January 1, 2009.
Hospitals and Clinics Information on this and other programs can be obtained at the following websites: – enge_Web.pdf – – 3307_29693_ ,00.html
Mercury in Healthcare Industry Mercury from dental offices enter the environment? –Mercury-containing amalgam particles rinsed down drains, sink traps –Amalgam particles in a Bio-bags incinerated –Amalgam particles in ordinary trash Non-hazardous waste landfill
Mercury in Healthcare Industry Dental Mercury Amalgam Separators Public Act 503 of 2008 requires that on or before December 31, 2013, –Dentists shall install or have installed separator in all drains
Mercury in Healthcare Industry For more information on best management practices, visit – _amalgamwaste.pdf – – 3307_29693_ ,00.html