What is Archivists Being Awesome? PACSCL Meeting, February 6, 2013 Laurie Rizzo
Archivists Being Awesome is a new series of DVAG get-togethers for archivists in the Delaware Valley. One part bragging platform, one part skill share, two parts making new friends and being inspired by the work of others, the ABA will give area archivists a chance to briefly describe exciting projects they’re involved in.
Presentations on various topics including: preservation Apps for Archivists Islandora South Asian American Digital Archives Moving an Archives Literary Manuscripts Data manipulation tools for Archivists Board games for History Education Barnes Foundation – year in review Security improvements for collections Donor Relations and embracing “Other duties as assigned”
How PACSCL can help: Offer your institution to host a meeting Encourage your staff members to present or attend Attend and/or present at meetings yourself!
Hosting a Meeting Room for people AV equipment for PowerPoint slides Meetings are from 6:00-7:00 Set up 5:30-6:00 Clean up 7:00-7:30 *There are light refreshments served at the meeting
Presenting Answer brief interview questions Prepare a minute presentation Send in your presentation slides or write up a brief summary for the blog *PowerPoint is not required, but most presenters seem to use them
Attending Arrive at 6:00 Eat pizza Listen to archivist share their awesomeness
Scott Ziegler Assistant Technical Librarian/Technology Support Specialist at the American Philosophical Society. A Founding member of the Philadelphia Alliance of DIY Libraries; and Co-Founder of Archivists Being Awesome. Slzielger at gmail dot com Contact: Laurie Rizzo Assistant Librarian, Special Collections, University of Delaware Library. MARAC Secretary, DVAG Vice-Chair, Co-Founder of Archivists Being Awesome. Lrizzo20 at gmail dot com
Archivists Being Awesome Because it's more fun to talk about these things to other archivists than to your cat [archivistsbeingawesome.wordpress.com]