Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling IS-ENES Introduction
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France ENES An informal network of European groups and institutes interested in climate and Earth system modeling Launched in 2001 by Guy Brasseur (MOU) Approximately 40 groups from academic, public and industrial world Main focus : discuss strategy to accelerate progress in climate and Earth system modeling and understanding Several EU projects PRISM, ENSEMBLES, METAFOR, COMBINE, IS-ENES [ESMVAL, EUCLIPSE] Support to PRACE & DEISA2 Scientific Board : S. Joussaume, J.C. André, J. Mitchell, T. Palmer, J. Marotzke, R. Budich, A. Navarra, P. Kabat
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Challenges for the ESM community To improve our understanding and prediction of future climate changes : - better account for the the full complexity of the Earth system - better account for climate change on regional scales - enhance interactions with the impact community - disseminate knowledge on climate change European competitiveness and expertise: - Improve research infrastructure : models & world-class high-performance computers - Contribute to international expertise : CMIP5/IPCC AR5 - Better integrate countries new to the subject
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Infrastructure for ENES Euroclivar Concerted Action recommended in 1998 “a better integration of the European modelling effort with respect to human potential, hardware and software”. - develop collaboration - establish a European climate computing facility, - enhance the exchange of software and model results. First started with PRISM under FP5 : common coupler OASIS ENES in 2001
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Infrastructure for European climate/Earth system models Infrastructure : ESMs and ESM environment ESM data Interface with HPC ecosystem Users of Infrastructure : The ESM community ENES User communities : Regional climate models Impact studies
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France IS-ENES Infrastructure for ENES FP7 I starts March 1rst partners Climate centers Computing Centers Data Centers Expertise on computing Expertise on CC impacts PCMDI : collaboration International standards NEC had to cancel European ESMs in IS-ENES Arpège-Nemo Meteo-France C-ESM CMCC COSMOS MPI-Met EC-Earth KNMI-SMHI HADGEM3 Hadley IPSLCM IPSL
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France 1- Foster the integration of the European ESM community 2- Foster the development of ESMs 3- Foster high-end simulations 4- Foster application of ESM simulations for climate change impacts IS-ENES Four main objectives:
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France IS-ENES ENSEMBLES COMBINE ESMVAL / EUCLIPSE CMIP5/Prepare IPCC AR5 METAFOR Climate change simulations ESM development Model evaluation Model infrastructure Impact studies CIRCE, CECILIA … In link with ENES PRACE & DEISA2 HPC ecosystem
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France 1- Foster the integration Network and Service Activities NA1, NA2, NA3 & SA1 Further integrate the European climate/ESM community, – development of the future ENES strategy ESMs, high-performance computing –exchange of expertise Access to information, network of experts – training activities : summer schools Develop a virtual Earth System Modelling Resource Centre – integrate the distributed facilities (existing/developed) e-infrastructure (models, tools, data, compute resources)
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France 2- Foster the development of ESMs Network, Service and Joint Research Activities NA2, NA3, SA1, JRA1 & JRA3 Increase the services around ESMs: –enhance model documentation –develop a service on common tools and model components OASIS, NEMO, CDO Towards ESM service ? Foster the joint development and common evaluation of the European ESMs –ESM software environment tools to prepare, run, store, evaluate and exploit model simulations –ESM components
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France 3- Foster high-end simulations Network and Joint Research Activities NA1 & JRA2 Ensure an efficient access and execution of ESMs on high-performance computing facilities –Develop a common strategy e.g. “Scientific case”, needs –Enhance the interface with the EU large infrastructures DEISA2 and PRACE Community representative –Ease access to the EU large infrastructures –Improve model performance on different computer architectures
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France 4- Foster the application of ESM simulations Network, Service and Joint Research Activities NA1, SA2, JRA4 & JRA5 Enhance the dissemination of model results: – enhance the service around model results –Develop more efficient tools to access data Enhance the interaction with decision makers and user communities, mainly concerned by climate change impact studies: –Delivery of “position papers” –Service activity –Prototype services for impact studies
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Budget , 55 € for 4 years
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Monday 30 th March 14h45- 17h10 Description of IS-ENES project Overview : –Introduction : Sylvie Joussaume –The future ENES strategy (NA1), Jochem Marotzke Earth system modelling (incl HPC) –Network and service activity (NA3 & SA1): »Sophie Valcke & Johan Silen –ESM tools, environments and performance (JRA1 and JRA2): »Steve Mullerworth and Graham Riley –ESM evaluation infrastructure (JRA3) : George Tselioudis ESM data : –service and research activities (SA2 & JRA4) : »Michael Lautenschlager & Martin Jukes –Bridging with impact community (JRA5) : »Christian Pagé The virtual Earth system Resource Center (NA2): »Joachim Biercamp
Kick-off meeting Paris 30th and 31rst of March 2009 Action soutenue par la Région Ile de France Tuesday 31rst March Break-out sessions by Workpackage – First parallel sessions NA, « Strategy » –Chairs: Sylvie Joussaume & Jochem Marotzke NA2&NA3&SA1, « Model network and service » –Chairs: Joachim Biercamp & Sophie Valcke SA2&JRA4, « Data service and research activity » –Chair: Martin Jukes Coffee break (Salle Dussane) – Second parallel sessions JRA1&JRA2, “Model performance” –Chairs: Steve Mullerworth & Graham Riley JRA3, “Model evaluation” –Chairs: George Tselioudis & Michael Schultz JRA5, “Impact” Chairs: Christian Pagé & Pascale Braconnot Lunch