You are in Control!
Responsible students dont have one secret for their success, but they do practice some habits that help them.
Every student is expected to succeed!
Successful Students Set Goals
Successful Students Plan Their Time
Responsible people meet their obligations - whether its turning in a paper on the day its due or having a report on the bosss desk when its needed. But it takes planning. Use a planner to organize your time
A clearly defined and consistently enforced missed test and/or assignment policy will be followed in order to help students prepare for academic success in high school and college.
Hey, I was absent yesterday. Did I miss anything?
It is the students responsibility to arrange with the teacher how and when the missing work will be turned in.
Hey, I was absent yesterday so I dont have to take the test today.
Assignments and quizzes or tests that were announced prior to the students absence should be made up the day the student returns to class.
So, what happens if I turn something in late?
Assignments turned in late will have points deducted from the grade.
Each time a student fails to turn in an assignment they will receive a strike To be regarded on time, work must be completed by the beginning of the period on the day it is due. If graded assignments are returned before late assignments are turned in, you should ask me if you need to get an alternate assignment.
Points will be deducted for late assignments
But Mrs. Mattingly what if I really do have a family emergency?
Computer and printer problems DO NOT constitute legitimate reasons for an extension. If you are having computer or printing problems at home, save your work to a flash drive and try to print it out at school or e- mail the assignment to me. Include your name and the assignment in the subject line of the as well as an attachment.
Successful Students Study Every Day
Successful Students Take Notes in Class Gee, I wonder why she always gets good grades?
Successful Students Have the Tools They Need
Successful Students Keep Their Commitments
Successful Students Get Ready Ahead of Time
Experts say that if we repeat an action every day for just 21 days, it is likely to become automatic. So, for the next 21 days, act to obtain the habits of responsible students. Soon you will find that you will be doing them without even thinking.