Technology Integration in PETE Helena Baert, SUNY Cortland, NY Joanne Leight, Slippery Rock, PA
Introduction and Warm-Up Four Groups! Back of Business Card 1. Limited to no Technology Integration: depends on faculty, only student teaching, discussion but no plan, some courses 2. Technology Course in PETE 3. Full Integration – Technology Plan 4. Technology Course + Full Integration (with Technology Plan)
Session Agenda O Introduction O Warm-up and needs? O Connecting Practice to Research O Standard 3.7 O Slippery Rock example O SUNY Cortland example O Keys to integrating Technology in PETE
Introduction O My concerned engagement wii day O In 2008, the national Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) standards included a more integrated approach to teaching pre-service teachers about technology and stated that teacher candidates should be able to plan and implement technology infused learning experiences that meet lesson objectives. – CONTEXT SPECIFIC O With the inclusion of the 2008 standards, PETE faculty have the task to create instruction that effectively integrates technology. O Study investigated the preparedness for technology integration of 198 PE teacher educators. O Sheingold & Hadley (1990) stated that integrating technology is not about helping people use computers; it is about helping teachers integrate technology as a tool for learning. Effective teachers must therefore understand the relationship between the content, pedagogy, and technology. O Theoretical Background: Rogers Diffusion Theory (2003) and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) Framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006)
Research Purpose 1. Identify the types of technology currently used in PETE courses (Instructional vs K-12) 2. Investigate the current technological proficiency of PETE faculty 3. Examine the relationship between proficiency and integration 4. Identify the factors that affect technology utilization of PETE faculty
Survey O Section 1: Technology Proficiency and Integration Section 1.1.: Personal use : yes or no Section 1.2.: Technology Proficiency using a Likert scale from 1 to 5 Section 1.3.: Technology Integration Scale: (1) Non-awareness: I am unaware this technology existed (2) Awareness: I am aware of this technology but I do not use it (3) In class use: I use it in the classroom/gym (4) Teach to Teach: "In class use" and I teach my students how to teach PE with the technology (5) Share & Reflect: "Teach to Teach", and I share with others how the technology can be applied to teaching. O Section 2: Factors that influence the utilization of technology O Section 3: Approaches to technology integration: actions and beliefs O Section 4: Demographical Information
Questions that arose O Technology Course or not? O Full integration but how? O Technology in Student Teaching but how? O Combination of the above – is that our best bet? O How do we begin? How do we teach faculty and students? O And what should we teach them? …
Standard 3.7
NETS/ISTE 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
What did we learn? For Faculty O Learning about technology is different than learning what to do with it. O More PD for PETE Faculty: develop TPCK in a gradual and spiral-like manner, beginning possibly with more standard and familiar technologies (areas in which teachers may already have developed TPCK), and moving on to more advanced or non-familiar technological solutions.
What did we learn? For Teacher Candidates O Practice is an important route to learning: Teacher educators must find ways to provide preservice teachers multiple opportunities to work through these problems of practice before they enter their first classrooms, whether by internships, case-studies (traditional or video), or problem-based learning scenarios.
O PE 202: Technology for PETE (TK) O Required course since Spring 2004 O Lecture and Lab component O PE 352: Secondary PETE Methods (TPK) O Technology infused lesson O PE 455: Student Teaching (TPCK) O Work Sample PE Unit Plan – Must include technology
SRU: Technology for PETE Content O Microsoft O Word O Publisher O Award certificate, Flyer, Fitness Calendar, Brochure O Excel O Grade Sheet, Heart Rate Chart/Graft O PowerPoint O Interactive games, Electronic portfolio O Movie Maker O Digital Video O Google O Gmail O Google Sites O Web Design O Blogger
SRU: Technology for PETE Content O Discussion Boards O NASPE Talk / NASPE Forum O iPads O Podcasting O Wiki O Twitter O Computerized Exercise Equipment O Heart Rate Monitors O Personal Response Systems O Technology Tools 4 Teachers - presentations
Technology Tools 4 Teachers O Photo sharing O Word clouds O Social bookmarking O Online surveys O Mind mapping O Video creation O Online videos O Brain games/ Puzzle makers O Screencasts O Backchanneling O Study tools O Grants O Video tutorials O Student organization O Organized web research O Live video conferencing O Learn a language O Online polling O Cell phone polling O File sharing O Downloading videos O Search engines for students O Covert text to speech O Online rubrics O Delivering modern substitute lesson plans
O No required Technology course (No TK) O Student Teaching with technology (TPCK) O Advanced students Technology Course O Technology Committee O Scope & Sequence (TPK) O Technology Lab (TPCK) O New technology course Spring 2012 – Experiential approach (NETS/ISTE)
Keys to successful integration O Remember the goal: Using technology to engage students and improve learning O Technology integration is context specific O Program based Scope & Sequence O Create opportunities for practice (labs) O PD: New 21st century technologies should be integrated as tools for learning O PD: Technology + Integration O Teaching assistants as Technology Assistants? – eliminating fear factor
O NETS : t-standards.pdf?sfvrsn=2http:// t-standards.pdf?sfvrsn=2 O O Need and want help with creating a scope and sequence document? Please contact us and join us in the process. O Helena Baert: O Joanne Leight: