Nature and landscape in Finland
Location on the map Finland is located in northern Europe.Finland Finlands neighbour in east is Russia, in west Sweden and in south Estonia. Finland is the sixth biggest country in Europe.
Forest Forests cover 77 percent of Finlands ground area which is the biggest amount in the world. Where ever you go there are allways trees and forests around you. Trees also cover areas inside bigger cities and a lot of area in countryside. The forests are basically boreal forests in Finland because those trees are adapted to Finlands cold winter.boreal
Lakes and archipelago There are about lakes in Finland. The lakes cover ten percent of Finlands area and the biggest lake is Saimaa. Finlands archipelago is the biggest in Europe and consist of about islands.Finlands archipelago During the summer there are a lot of boats on the move at archipelago. My grandfather has sailboat and we go there fishing and swimming allmost every summer. Cruising ships move there even if the ships are massive. The ships go back and forth to Sweden and Finland.Cruising ships
Living nature and environment The biggest mammals in Finland are wolf, bear, reindeer, wolverine and elk which all live mostly in northern Finland because its so sparsely-populated and the cities are small.bearwolverineelk Wolves and wolverines are endangered and they are protected by laws so that they wont die in extinction. I have never seen bigger mammals except once I saw an elk in Lapland, in northern Finland. Many people have seen for example wolves and there are some stories that they have killed dogs but nobody have proven that wolves have killed people since 19th century in Finland. Swamps covered about third of the Finlands area long time ago but today swamps are drained into farmland which weakens some of the animals chance to survive.
Landscapes The highest fell in Finland is Haltitunturi which is 1324 meters above the sea. I have heard that its good hiking target though i have never been there.Haltitunturi Lapland is turist-friendly place to see nature at its best. You can also ski and hike there and sometimes you may even see northern lights which are only seen near north and south pole.northern lights During the summer in Lapland sun does not set at all and its bright even at midnight.