EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, María Luisa Martínez-Conde Subdirectorate General for Library Co-ordination Digital Libraries in Spain: Policies and Initiatives of the Ministry of Culture
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, SG for Library Coordination The main Spanish administrative body concerned with library issues Activities include: Promotion of cooperation between Spanish libraries. Description, preservation and dissemination of Spanish bibliographic heritage.
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, SG for Library Coordination: Ongoing Projects Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers Virtual Library of Bibliographic Heritage LDAP Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, SG for Library Coordination: Ongoing Projects: Objectives Preserve Spanish Bibliographic Heritage; Give users direct access to contents; Coordinate Spanish digitization projects; Contribute to Europeana
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Virtual Libraries: antecedents Union Catalog of Bibliographic Heritage (1986-) It describes editions and holdings from 729 libraries
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers (2003-) pages from more than 2000 titles from 47 of libraries of all type all over Spain unique collections from a broad chronological period: 1777 to late 20th century public domain + agreements with publishers
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27,
8 Virtual Library of Bibliographic Heritage (2006-) pages 2533 manuscripts and rare and old-printed books from 15 libraries 2008: 1500 new titles, pages and other bibliographic materials (engravings and maps) public domain
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27,
10 Virtual Libraries of the Ministry of Culture: standards MARC XML, Dublin Core / ISO 15836, METS, METSRigths, MADS, MODS METS provides a format for encapsulating or ingesting preservation metadata: PREMIS, based on ISO 14721/OAIS METS/ALTO (newspapers) 256 grayscale (newspapers) and 16.7 Mcolors JPEG images. TIFF 6.0 security copies
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Digital Libraries of the Ministry of Culture: standards OAI/PMH repositories SRU/SRW servers
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Multilingual access authority file for multilingual headings: Basque, Castillian, Catalan, Galician, Valencian and English updated online by means of fields for equivalent headings of MARC21 format for authority data : 7XX records are downloaded from the National Library, Regional Libraries and the Library of Congress
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27,
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources (2005) Objectives Facilitate the digitization projects coordination Avoid duplicates Standards Dublin Core OAI/PMH
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources Figures: March 2006: 55 digitization projects 25 OAI-PMH repositories access to near digital resources June 2008: 196 digitization projects 55 OAI-PMH repositories access to more than digital resources
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources: new version (2008) formats added: MARC XML EAD ePrints
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27,
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27,
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Broadening the project (2007-) Work programme and call for proposals for funding digitization projects 2M euros / year Above-mentioned metadata must be adopted OAI-PMH compliant repository must be implemented
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Broadening the project Expected results (1st call for proposals) Over 4M pages from 32 libraries will be digitized Regional libraries (10) University libraries (12) School libraries (2) Private cultural institutions (8) 22 OAI-PMH compliant repositories will be implemented
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, objectives Large-scale OCR for newspapers Records generation according METS/ALTO PDFs (prototype in VLBH) ISO/DIS Indexing PDFs and PDF/A generation Jhove validation and PREMIS generation for ingesting in OAIS
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, objectives Capitalize on the multilingual headings by means of cooperative projects Implement the DRIVER guidelines Define a Spanish metadata profile
EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, Mid-term objectives Funded digital objects metadata will be integrated in virtual libraries of the MC via METS. SRU/OAI synergyes will be enhanced. OAIS/ISO preservation repository will be implemented.