Lead In Cuisine Introduction Food Names Food Description Food Making yogurt Ice cream Food Description practice Food Making listening Useful Expressions
(1) Sichuan (Chuan) Cuisine lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
(2) Cantonese (Yue) Cuisine lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
(3) Shandong (Lu) Cuisine lead-in (3) Shandong (Lu) Cuisine yogurt ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
(4) Huaiyang (Huai) Cuisine lead-in (4) Huaiyang (Huai) Cuisine yogurt ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
(5) Beijing Cuisine lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out put in use review listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
(6) Hunan (Xiang) Cuisine lead-in (6) Hunan (Xiang) Cuisine yogurt ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
(7) Chaozhou Cuisine lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
(8) Shanghai Cuisine lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
Food Names Rice noodles Steamed bun Dumpling Do you know how to call them in English? Steamed bun Dumpling 11
Do you know their names? Pasta Beefsteak Pizza 12
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture Food or Dishes lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out hamburger put in use sweet and sour pork listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review sauce chicken fried chicken
What foods are these? Match them with the pictures. www.themegallery.com 2 7 5 3 4 8 9 6
Activity 2A Pair Work Do you ever eat at these places? Which ones? www.themegallery.com
Activity 1A Pair Work Can you guess where these foods come from? Match the countries with the foods. Then check your answers on page 92. www.themegallery.com 8 3 4 1 2 5 9 7 Company Logo
Describe the taste of the food Food Description Describe the taste of the food 17
Food Making Baked: 烤的,烘焙的 (baked bread) Bake是把食材放在容器中置入烤箱里烤熟,最常见到的是西点、烤面包蛋糕全是用这个 bake 字。 Boiled: 煮的 (boiled egg) Roasted: 烤的,热煨 (roasted chicken) roast 是把肉类在烤箱中悬空吊着烤、或置放烤盘烤,像北京烤鸭就是用的这个 roast 字。 Grilled: 炙烤的 (grilled fish salad) grill 是将食材放在铁板上烤炙,比如汉堡肉、牛排、羊扒的烧烤就是用 grill 这个字。 Fried: 油炸的 (fried chicken leg) Steamed: 蒸的 (steamed buns) Smoked: 烟熏的 (smoked fish) Drunken: 酒醉的(drunken duck) Stir: v. 搅拌
Cookery Methods (烹饪方法): Spices (作料): fry 煎 oil 油 boil 煮 salt 盐 Data Bank Cookery Methods (烹饪方法): Spices (作料): fry 煎 oil 油 boil 煮 salt 盐 deep fry 炸 soy source 酱油 stew 炖 vinegar 醋 bake, roast 烤 chili 干辣椒 steam 蒸 pepper 胡椒 stir-fry 炒 curry 咖喱 braise 红烧 cooking wine 料酒 grill 烧烤 starch 淀粉 New Practical English 1
Cooking methods roast boil fry lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out put in use roast listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 Review boil fry
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture How to Make Yogurt lead-in yogurt What do I need for making yogurt? ice-cream Ingredients act out put in use a pack of milk listening 1 listening 2 a little yogurt listening 3 review
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture lead-in Seven Steps to Make Yogurt yogurt 1 Heat milk and boil for one minute. ice-cream 2 Allow it to cool to about 40 °C. act out Add a little yogurt as a starter to it. 3 put in use 4 Pour the mixture into litter pots. listening 1 5 Leave them in a warm place overnight listening 2 6 Put the pots into the fridge to cool and make them tastier. listening 3 review 7 Serve with brown sugar or honey.
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture How to Make Yogurt lead-in yogurt Seven Steps ice-cream act out put in use Step 5 Step 2 Step 4 Step 1 Step 6 Step 7 step 3 listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 Put the pots into the fridge to cool and make them tastier. Heat milk and boil for one minute. Allow it to cool to about 40 °C. C= Celsius [‘selsjəs] 摄氏度 review Serve with brown sugar or honey Add a little YOGURT as a starter to it. Leave them in a warm place OVERNIGHT Pour the mixture into litter pots.
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture Task 1 lead-in (2 minutes for preparation) yogurt Read the seven steps of making yogurt and learn them by heart. After that, a pair of you will be asked to make the presentation and make the demonstration at the same time. ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture lead-in Seven Steps to Make Yogurt yogurt 1 Heat milk and boil for one minute. ice-cream 2 Allow it to cool to about 40 °C. act out Add a little yogurt as a starter to it. 3 put in use 4 Pour the mixture into litter pots. listening 1 5 Leave them in a warm place overnight listening 2 6 Put the pots into the fridge to cool and make them tastier. listening 3 review 7 Serve with brown sugar or honey.
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture How to Make Almond Ice-cream lead-in yogurt ingredients amount ice-cream ice-cream one-liter (公升) act out put in use liquid honey 2 or 3 tablespoons listening 1 listening 2 brandy 4 tablespoons listening 3 review a generous handful almond
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture How to Make Almond Ice-cream lead-in yogurt Step 1 Key points ice-cream Set the ice-cream out and leave at room temperature for a short time to soften it. Don’t let it get too soft. act out put in use ° listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture Step 2: add and stir lead-in yogurt honey honey brandy brandy almonds almonds ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review The honey will not blend in completely. Stir till it is well blended.
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture Step 3 lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out Put into the freezer for 3 hours till it is solid. put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture Step 4 lead-in yogurt Serve in small coffee cups. ice-cream act out put in use listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture Task 2 lead-in (1 minute for preparation) yogurt Make a presentation on how to make almond ice-cream. You may begin your presentation like this: ice-cream act out put in use Almond ice-cream is my favorite dessert, and I’d like to make some almond ice-cream today…. listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review
Unit 8 Cookery, Food and Culture How to Make Almond Ice-cream lead-in 1 Set the ice-cream out and leave at room temperature for a short time to soften it. yogurt ice-cream 2 Don’t let it get too soft. act out 3 Stir in the honey put in use 4 (Note: The honey will not blend in completely.) listening 1 5 Add brandy and stir till it is well blended. listening 2 6 Stir in almonds listening 3 Put into the freezer for three hours till it is solid. 7 review 8 Serve in small coffee cups
Hints for your presentation lead-in yogurt ice-cream act out put in use (3) (1) (2) listening 1 listening 2 listening 3 review (4) (5) (6)