C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Changes to ISO 10303-239 Rob Bodington, Phil Spiby.


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Presentation transcript:

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Changes to ISO Rob Bodington, Phil Spiby

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Objectives of telecon » Inform about project » Agree scope of changes to ISO » Agree publication strategy » Timescales

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Objectives » Deliver update edition of ISO −Updated ISO ready for taking forward ballot 31 st March » Incorporate required changes identified from PLCS deployments » Ensure compatibility with AP233 » Include additional AP203/233 modules as appropriate » Ensure backward compatibility with AP239 » There may be an impact on PLCS templates −E.g. description » Attempt to ensure that seen as minor corrections/extensions – not another reason not to use PLCS TOG agreement

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Approach to publication » Agree publication strategy & timetable −New edition? −Publish as International Standard 2010 » The process is to raise a new work item for the development of the AP239e2 Committee Draft (CD) −NWI will list modules to be changed and new modules » Submit NWI to SC4 Change management for a 2 week review » Send for initial ballot under ISO process as combined CD and NWI −AP239e2 CD ballot will include TS ballot of all new and changed modules as well as the AP » Action: develop NWI by 30 Jan 2009 » Identify resources » Eurostep funded by UK MoD to March 31st » Invite other resources to participate to take the AP forward » Role of the TOG » Build consensus −PLCS OASIS Core team » Action: Core team −PLCS OASIS TOG » Completed −PLCS OASIS TC −ISO SC4 » SC SEDS workshop 9-12 March » Action: notify WG3/WG12 conveners » Action: Notify SC4 » Action: Investigate BSI support TOG agreement

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Types of change » PLCS/SC4 (SEDS) modifications to PLCS modules −Deployment of the standard has identified issues to be addressed −Raised as SEDS against the standard Only SEDS will be considered −Action: ensure ALL PLCS issues are raised as SEDS −Action: ensure that everyone is aware of the issue raising process » Either SEDS or DEXlib issue » New AP239modules −Some new PLCS modules will be required to address the issues −Aim to avoid scope creep! −Action: Identify the required new modules » SC4 modifications to AP239 modules −Development of AP203e2/AP233/AP236/AP210 has led to some changes to PLCS modules −New editions of “PLCS” modules have been published −Action: Summarize all the changes evaluate the impact » Use of Ap203e2/233 modules by PLCS −Ap203e2/233 have developed a number of new modules −Action: Summarize modules and agree what if any should be incorporated » ISO documentation changes −Ref data can now be documented in modules −Action: Decide if we include ref data. » E.g identification assignment » Propose to keep this in the dexs » Need to check existing modules for reference data −Abstract Test Suite? » We did not have any before …. −Conformance classes? » We did not have any before …. I think that we should keep them as DEXs

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P PLCS/SC4 (SEDS) modifications to AP239 modules » Collecting all SEDS » Select extensions » New PLCS modules −Extended_observation −Extended_message −Information collection −Configuration management? −Resource item?

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P SC4 modifications to PLCS modules » 35 out of 138 modules changed −Focussing on ARM changes −MIM changes can we ignore? » Types of Changes −Changes to USE FROMS, selects, rules −Changes to entities » New entities » Reordering of attributes −A number of ARM modules have had their attributes reordered −PLCS p21 files no longer compatible −Do we care? how do we get this changed back? » Mandatory attributes now optional −Documentation “pulls” in extraneous ap203 modules TOG agreement Focus on the ARM However, we will have to list the MIM changes TOG agreement Investigate changes to entities. See if they impact and if so raise with WG12/WG3 module coordination team (AP interop) Ignore changes to reordered attributes Raise issues Approach agreed with AP interop 1.Raise all issues that we have against the modules used by ap239 as SEDS 2.Raise SEDS for new modules 3.Identify the modules that are affected by the SEDS 4.Notify ap interop and SC4 modules exploder about the SEDS 5.If the module is only used by AP239 – then fix it 6.If the module is used by other APs, then bring the issue to the Tuesday ap interop call to get resolution

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P SC4 modifications to PLCS modules » Geometry −contextual_shape_positioning » Complete rewrite −elemental_geometric_shape » Removed Value_with_unit Added Identification_assignment (WHY?) −shape_property_assignment −Documentation “pulls” in extraneous ap203 modules TOG agreement geometry is not the focus of PLCS so live with change Raise SEDS to get this addressed

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P SC4 modifications to PLCS modules » Assembly structure −An Assembly_component_relationship is now a type of Product_occurrence_definition_relationship Product_occurrence_definition_relationship is an abstract supertype with no supertypes No idea why they changed this Product_occurrence_definition_relationship −It was a type of View_definition_usage.View_definition_usage −This may have a major impact −Documentation “pulls” in extraneous ap203 modules


SC4 modifications to PLCS modules » Properties / representation −extended_measure_representation » Changed value_limit Removed value_limit_with_global_unit qualified_property_value_representation −property_assignment » Made Property_representation a subtype of Property_definition_representation −independent_property_representation » Independent_property_representation now a subtype of Property_definition_representation

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P SC4 modifications to PLCS modules » State −Changed by AP233 −Same content – split modules −Will require minor modifications to ap239_* modules

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P SC4 modifications to PLCS modules » Task −Changed by A233 −extended_task_element −Will require minor modifications to ap239_* modules

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Use of AP203/233 modules by PLCS » Should we incorporate all of 233 modules? −Description » Fixes 239 hack −Analysis −Behaviour −Validation & Verification −Risk? » However, it is not yet at TS level

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P ISO publication/documentation changes » Ref data can now be documented in modules −Action: Decide if we include ref data. » E.g identification assignment » Propose to keep this in the dexs » Need to check existing modules for reference data » Abstract Test Suite? −We did not have any before …. » Conformance classes? −We did not have any before …. I think that we should keep them as DEXs » XSLT changes to AP −Action: investigate NDLO resourcing work on test rallies Can contribute to the abstract test suite

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Plan 1.PLCS/SC4 (SEDS) modifications to Ap239 modules 1.Analyze issues 2.Identify / Agree new modules 1.Information collection ……. (others) 3.Address SEDS 4.Develop new Ap239 modules 1.Create module 2.Create template 2.SC4 modifications to PLCS modules 1.Analyze changes – impact analysis 1.Analyze change to State 2.Analyze change Task 3.Analyze Assembly 4.Update ap239* modules 3.Use of Ap203/233 modules by PLCS 1.Analyze new modules 2.Identify those that are useful to PLCS 3.Add module 1.Extend selects 2.Update templates 4.ISO document preparation 1.Complete checklists 2.Generate HTML

C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Milestones » SC4 modifications to AP239 modules understood (30 th Jan) −Agreed / changed » Scope of AP239e2 agreed (30 th Jan) −new AP239 modules identified −203/233 modules to include agreed » AP239 modules SEDS modules addressed (28 th Feb) » SC4 SEDS workshop th March » New AP239 modules developed (20 th March) » AP239e2 + modules ready for SC4 process (31 st March) −New HTML for AP239e2 delivered as “draft” ready for submission to the ballot process