Strategies for Mitigating Swelling in Austenitic Stainless Steels in Fast Reactors NERS 521 – Final Presentation David Sirajuddin Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences
Outline Definitions – voids, swelling Swelling dependencies Overview of Fast Reactor environment and material demands – Proposed material: Austenitic Stainless Steel Techniques for mitigating swelling: I.Cold-working (CW) II. Impurity atom introduction III. Compositional changes Summary & Conclusions
Swelling is a macroscopic effect of void formation and growth Voids = aggregation of vacancies Void formation and growth swelling Swelling can be quantified as percent volume change, D V/V [%], in a material Low swelling rate transient region Higher swelling rate steady state region ~ 1%/dpa
Void growth and formation dependents Approximate void growth equation[Brailsford and Bullough] Dose:Swelling increases with dose Dose Rates:Swelling decreases with dose rate Temperature: Maximum peak exhibited at intermediate temperature, minimum threshold for void growth ; [Was]
FR environment demands materials that can withstand harsher environments Approximate operating environments of Gen IV Fast Reactor (FR) systems [Allen] Austenitic stainless steels have been proposed for fuel cladding, baffles, etc. materials for FR components Reactor TypeCoolant Inlet Temperature ( o C) Coolant Outlet Temperature ( o C) Maximum Dose (dpa) PWR SCWR VHTR SFR LFR GFR MSR
What this means… Bad News: Swelling alters material properties and dimensions of austenitic stainless steels materials change from intended design parameters during operation! More Bad News: All operating temperatures of FRs encourage void formation and growth in austenitic stainless steels (SS) But, Good News: Swelling can be mitigated by material treatments, and material compositional changes
Objective Find treatments and changes that can be applied to austenitic stainless steels to make them more swelling resistant [Porolla, et al] [Encyclopedia Brittanica]
Swelling can be reduced by discouraging void growth General Strategy: Extend transient region of swelling vs. accumulated dose curve Specific Strategies: i.Cold-working (CW) ii.Addition of impurities iii.Fine-tune alloy composition iv.Use a different phase of steel!
Cold-working dampens void growth by extending the transient region Increased CW decreases material swelling by extending the transient region CW dampens the swelling peak in temperature dependence All same slope ! [Was, Dupuoy et al, Busboom et al]
Impurity introduction discourages void nucleation reduction of swelling Introduction of impurity atoms decrease swelling soluble atoms bind with point defects, reducing mobility and encouraging recombination Examples: Si, P, Hf (oversized) Trend shows increasing binding energy increased activation energy of voids void growth surpressed [Mansur et al, Was]
Impurity introduction contd Phosphorous and Silicon implantation decrease swelling [Garner, et al., Was]
Alloy composition can be fine-tuned to better accommodate swelling Increased Ni concentration extends the transient region This extension decreases swelling Decreasing trend continues until a minimum is reached at 50 at% [Was]. [Ukai, et al] [Garner et al, Was]
Conclusions & Summary Material composition changes and treatments dampen swelling! Impurity atoms inhibit void nucleation, Ni content increase extends incubation period CW prolongs transient region [Allen]
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