Written Assignment: the four stages Part 1: Works in Translation
SL & HL: assignment of 1,200-1,500 words Based on a work studied in Part 1 of the course Assessed externally Weighting 25% Includes reflection on an interactive oral Some writing is completed during supervised class time NB: if the word limit is exceeded, the assessment of the reflective statement will be based on the first 400 words and the assessment of the essay on the first 1,500 words
Academic Honesty Teachers must ensure that all students understand the significance of concepts relating to academic honesty, especially authenticity and intellectual property. Teachers can give advice to students on a first draft of the task. First draft must not be annotated or edited by the teacher. After making general comments on the first draft, teachers should not provide further assistance.
Authenticity checks The student’s supervised writing from which the topic has been generated The first draft of the written work The references cited The style of writing compared with work known to be that of the student Signed coversheets to certify authenticity
Goal, Process and Assessment Goal: to produce an analytical, literary essay on a topic generated by the student and developed from one of the pieces of supervised writing Process: four-stage process consisting of both oral and written tasks Assessment: a combined mark out of 25, based on five assessment criteria (A-E) Same criteria for SL and HL
Four stages Stage 1 Interactive oral Stage 1 Reflective statement Stage 3 Supervised writing Stage 4 The essay
Stage 1: the interactive oral For each work, at least one focused class discussion in which all students and the teacher participate Suggested time: 40-50 minutes (minimum 30 min) Each student takes responsibility for initiating part of the discussion in at least one of the interactive orals In what ways do time and place matter to this work? Challenges relating to social and cultural context Connections between the work and student’s own culture and experience Interesting aspects in the work
Teaching Culture and Context How would you teach cultural context for a particular text? Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and other Stories – Erlkönig – Goethe Pages 46-52 in Brussels workbook (shared area)
Stage 2: the reflective statement Completed as soon as possible following the interactive oral Each student writes a reflection (300-400 words, preferably typed) on each interactive oral Reflective statement is submitted (electronically) for assessment, together with the essay Prompting question: How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral?
Assessment of reflective statement See p 40 in Language A: Literature Guide P 53-54 in workbook
Stage 3: supervised writing Intended as a springboard to elicit & develop ideas Written during class time, after each work studied Students may use texts and notes; no Internet Recommended time: 40-50 minutes Writing should be in continuous prose Writing is collected at end of lesson and kept on file Teacher provides 3-4 prompts for each work Students must not be allowed to prepare beforehand Prompts should encourage independent critical writing
Informal assessment, supervised writing P 29-31 in Guide – see Prompts on p 31 P 57-58 in workbook
Sample prompt leading to essay title Prompt: In what ways are the voices of history and tradition present in the work? Work: Faust by J.W. Goethe Essay Title: ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Prompt: How does the writer convey the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings? Work: Hunger by Knut Hamsun Essay Title: ...
Stage 4: production of the essay 1,200-1,500 word essay Focus on a literary aspect of one work Essay is developed from one of the pieces of supervised writing Teacher provides guidance on the development of the topic for the essay Students are encouraged to formulate their own title and to develop the chosen prompt in an independent direction
Assessment and Workbook P 40-41 of Guide for assessment criteria Interactive oral – culture and context - James David Workbook: Reflective statements: p 53-54 Writing prompts: p. 55-56, 46-52 Essay: p. 66-80