Introduction to the Basics What is GLST? Introduction to the Basics Welcome to Global Studies! We’re excited to work with you as you prepare for investigating your experience abroad, through your travels and studies abroad, and again in our Capstone course. This Power Point will give you an overview of the program and some guidance on how to be successful in our online courses.
What is the purpose of GLST? Guiding your international study experience Prompting your thinking Connecting to your major Networking with your peers Other goals/Outcomes The purpose of our program is to help you digest the experiences you’ll be having during your study abroad journey. Some of your are students travelling to other countries for study. Others are students who have travelled to the US for study. Our classroom provides a unique opportunity to bring voices from many countries and cultural perspectives into one centralized place. You’ll be able to share your daily insights with instructors and your classmates who will be scattered across the globe. In GLST 490, our capstone course, you’ll have a chance to think about your experiences further and to interact face-to-face with your Global Studies peers. We’ll work to help you draw connections between your major and your abroad experience, and to explore ideas for a final capstone project that completes the minor.
GLST 390 Intro to Cross-Cultural Experiences Determining Personal Goals Understanding Cultural/ Social Characteristics of host/home site(s) Evaluating resources about home/host culture Defining “culture” Today, though, we’re focusing specifically on the two online courses required for the GLST Minor. The first is GLST 390, “Intro to Cross-Cultural Experiences” which is taught during the Winter and Summer sessions. You’ll participate in a series of assignments that help you better understand your own culture. We’ll also take a close look at anthropological methods that you can employ while abroad to help you make better sense of what you’ll feeling, thinking and seeing.
GLST 392 Cross-Cultural Immersion “Culture Shock” Going to the Market (& Beyond) On being an “American” Exploring cross-cultural competency Investigating My “World” Listening with Cross-Cultural Ears Souvenir? Capstone Prompts Re-entry Shock Preparing for GLST 490 The second course, GLST 392, “Cross-Cultural Immersion” focuses specifically on the local abroad situation. It has a “fieldwork feel” to is as you’ll be out in your host community investigating your new home. The titles you see in the slide above reflect some of the themes of the exercises for this course.
GLST Courses GLST 490 GLST 390 GLST 392 Orientation So, to sum it up, The Global Studies Minor is a progression courses that travel with you through your experience abroad. Ours is a holistic approach. Global Studies helps you to frame your abroad experience, and to think about ways to understand it as part of your professional and academic development.
Online Learning Environment (Bb) Some of you may have experience with online courses and others of you may not. Don’t worry, it doesn’t really matter. We’ll help guide you through the online environment, and through the requirements. Even if you have taken an online course, ours might be structured a little differently, so please pay attention to the next slides. Interactive Asynchronous Self-managed and Self-paced Community of Practice Our online courses are VERY interactive. In fact, interaction is a requirement. The course is self-managed, which means you’re responsible for setting deadlines and meeting them. Instructors will prompt you as appropriate, but you also have an obligation to keep track of your progress. In addition, you also have a responsibility to your classmates to share your experiences, and to learn and teach one another.
Must do’s! Write developed responses Proof your essays Initiate discussion Converse with classmates
Keep “local” copies of course docs Must do’s! Be in touch – Don’t wait Keep “local” copies of course docs (or print) Make a calendar Keep organized!
If you’re a summer study abroad student, you’ll take GLST 390 in Sum I Session Schedules GLST 390 If you’re a summer study abroad student, you’ll take GLST 390 in Sum I If you’re an international student, or you are studying abroad for Fall or Spring, you’ll take GLST 390 in Sum II GLST 392 If you’re a summer study abroad student, you’ll take GLST 392 in Sum II If you’re an international student, or you are studying abroad for Fall or Spring, you’ll take GLST 392 in Fall or Spring This slide simply shows you the scheduling times and course dates for both GLST 390 and GLST 392. Instructors will send updates on the schedule as the courses progress.
Making Your Own Schedule Winter Begins Ends 16 December 27 January Assignment 1 2 3 4 5 Due Date 12/17 12/21 12/28 1/5 1/10 Scheduling your assignments is one of the most important parts of course. If you don’t work on this, nothing works for you! Most of the assignments will have “open dates,” and you will schedule when they are due. Some assignments, only a few, will have fixed dates. Once you’ve logged onto Bb there will be specific instructions for filling out the “wiki calendar” of assignment due dates.
FAQs Here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions – you’ll also have a chance to ask more questions when we meet in our Face-To-Face orientations.
How will I know my section? Check your schedule, Bb, and emails from GLST
How much time per exercise? Estimated to be no more than 3 hrs from beginning to end
Can I do this course from my smart phone? NO!
Tips for Success Read Assignments Think about the issues! Journal Update your calendar Tips for Success
Technology Tips Plan Ahead Use Your BU Resources Internet is not always as accessible as in Binghamton (U.S.) You may have to plan computer/internet time Use Your BU Resources If you have technology issues, let your instructor know, or contact Bb support directly at
Our Syllabus is Our Contract The course syllabus spells out the instructor’s expectations of the student And what students can expect from the instructor Assignments Grading policies Pre-Departure Agreement Digital Signature required! One of the first things you’ll want to do to prepare for both GLST 390 and GLST 392 will be to read the syllabus thoroughly. Make sure you understand the requirements, how grades work, and the scheduling of assignments. Before the course begins, you’ll be asked to submit a digital signature stating that you’ve read, understand and comply with our course requirements.
Attend Face-To-Face Meetings If you have more questions about GLST online courses, bring them to the Face to Face meetings scheduled at the end of each semester. You’ll receive a notice from GLST office about the dates. Remember, attendance at the Orientation is a requirement for our program. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.