p. 104 1a, 2ab, 4abc
p. 104 1a, 2ab, 4abc 1a. What is the difference between a habitat and a niche? 1a. The difference between a habitat and a niche is that a habitat is the general place where an organism lives while a niche describes where the organism lives and how it interacts with its environment. 2a. What is competition? Why can’t two organisms compete if they live in different habitats? 2a. Competition is an interaction between organisms in which both organisms attempt to use the same limited ecological resource in the same place at the same time. Two organisms that live in different habitats can’t compete because they do not live in the same place.
p. 104 1a, 2ab, 4abc 2b. Look at Figure 4-7 and describe how the three species of warblers have divided their resources. Does each warbler have its own niche? 2b. All three warbler species live in the same trees and feed on insects but each species has its own niche because it uses resources in a different part of the tree.
p. 104 1a, 2ab, 4abc 4a. What is symbiosis? What are the three major types of symbiosis? 4a. Symbiosis is any relationship in which two species live closely together. The three major types of symbiosis are mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. 4b. Bacteria living in a cow’s stomach help the cow break down the cellulose in grass, gaining nutrients in the process. Is this an example of commensalism or mutualism? Explain your answer. 4b. Bacteria living in a cow’s stomach is an example of mutualism because the cow and the bacteria both benefit from the relationship. 4c. What is the difference between a predator and a parasite? Explain your answer. 4c. The difference between a predator and a parasite is that a predator usually kills its prey while a parasite generally only weakens its host.