Learning in the Intelligent Complex Adaptive System David Bennet Alex Bennet Mountain Quest Institute March 20, 2002
The Environment Accelerating change Increasing uncertainty Growing complexity Shrinking world Information explosion Rise of the Knowledge Organization The changing nature of reality
Useful terms Knowledge is the human capacity (potential and actual ability) to take effective action in varied and uncertain situations. Intelligence is effectively perceiving, interpreting and responding to the environment. Complexity is a measure of the number of possible states a system can take on. A complex adaptive system is made up of a large number of self-organizing independent agents that seek to maximize their own goals but operate according to rules and in the context of relationships with other independent agents.
The ICAS Living system metaphor for the next generation knowledge organization. An intelligent techno-sociologically and ecologically adaptive organization. Provides sustainable high performance and competitive advantage. Emergent characteristics support adaptation and survival Individual and organizational learning are the foundation of the ICAS
ICAS Emergent Characteristics Organizational intelligence Unity and shared purpose Optimum complexity Selectivity Knowledge centricity Flow Permeable boundaries Multi-dimensionality Learning is integral to each of these characteristics
The Path to Intelligent Behavior
What is learning? Individual Learning The capacity of the individual to acquire the knowledge necessary to survive and compete in their environment. A cognitive or behavioral activity between an individual and their environment. Achieved by study, observation, cognition, experience, practice and developing effective mental models in the mind. Requires thinking, feeling and understanding. Organizational Learning The capacity of the organization to acquire the knowledge necessary to survive and compete in its environment. A social activity dependent upon relationships and interactions among individuals. Achieved when groups learn to interact, share their knowledge and act collectively in a manner that maximizes their combined capacity and ability to understand and take effective action. Requires common language, meaning, objectives and standards.
Creating the learning environment Individual Learning Thinking is good Brownbag lunches Moving people around Information L\literacy Learning how to learn Knowing Team Learning Open communications Equal participation Diversity of backgrounds Effective groupware Dialogue not discussion Organization Learning Core competencies Yellow pages Knowledge repositories Communities of practice Ba spaces Storytelling
In summary … Knowledge is the only thing that can effectively respond to accelerating change, increasing uncertainty and higher complexity ICAS is one model of the new knowledge organization designed to support continuous learning and provide effective knowledge Organizational learning provides competitive advantage, core competencies and long-term performance. Team learning provides improved problem solving, better decisions, and better implementation Individual learning leads to personal growth, professional development and organizational excellence