Managing Online Businesses Following the Growthand Dollars David Snyder Associate Publisher Crains Chicago Business
Our core product/strengths 29-year old newspaper Weekly news cycle Loyal base subscriber/readership Ability to sell premium- priced advertising and subscriptions
Our online product DAILY NEWS site lauched in August 2000 Related but separate brand,, with strong linkage to Crains 160,000+ registered users; 225,000+ unique visitors per month.
Large news alert business 64,000 subscribers to weekly alert 60,000 subscribers to P.M. daily alert 60,000 subscribers to CRAINS A.M. 45,000 to custom alerts More than 4 million requested alerts sent each month
Expanding our reach Large user base with 75% in upper or middle management 79% online users are not print subscribers to Crains Chicago Business. 51% are not regular Crains readers.
Growing our revenues Web revenues were virtually non- existent 10 years ago. Now a seven- figure revenue source. Solid margins. No printing/mailing costs. But continued investment in technology Growing 30%-50% a year
Growing our revenues How we make money: Advertising sales (80-90%) Ads sold on both Web sites and s Roughly 80% also print advertisers Roughly 20% online-only advertisers Subscription fees (10-20%)* $24.95 annual for print subscribers $69.00 for non-print subscribers $99.00 combo print-online subscription * Access to weekly issue of Crains and unlimited access to archives
Build our print franchise Direct Mail58%55%51% Web16%21%28% Sub Cards8%5%4% Control to Paid4%5%7% Voluntary7%6%3% Agency7%
Where the revenue action is CPM-based display advertising. Lions share of revenue Most price competition Growth curve will start to flatten Multimedia! High growth Sponsorship, not CPM driven Audience development biggest challenge Specialized products
Whats next: Multimedia (Video)
Specialized products
Think outside the box
Managing Online Businesses Following the Growthand Dollars David Snyder Associate Publisher Crains Chicago Business