Math terms
Per cent is used for a sign %. In British English - per cent In American English – percent Percentage is a range for an amount that is so much a hundred. A small/low percentage A large/high percentage For example: A high percentage of the houses are to be decorated.
There is a price change here of minus twenty five _____. The change in the quality demanded is a hundred ______. There is a hundred ________ change. Will you repeat _______, please.
На 3 % - by 3 % На 17 % - by 17 % До 3 % - to 3 % До 23 % - to 23%
5 plus 4 is equal to To add 5 to 4 is equal to 5+4= The sum of 5 and 4 is equal to 5+4= 1 st summ and sum 2 nd summa nd
10 minus 2 is equal to To subtract 2 from 10 is equal to 10-2= The difference between 10 and 2 is equal to 10-2= differ ence minuen d deducti on
10 multiplied by 2 is equal to 10 times 2 is equal to 10 ·2= To multiply 10 by 2 is equal to The product of 10 and 2 is equal to 10 ·2= multiplie r product multi plier
10 divided by 2 is equal to To divide 10 by 2 is equal to 10 :2 The quotient of 10 and 2 is equal to 10 :2=5 dividend quotient divis or
300+6= 25 :5= = = 3·90= 30·58 = 150:30= 13-7=
Thank you for attention!