Based on observations made from previous assessment efforts (“closing the loop”)
The development of an assessment tool that can be implemented in courses requiring formal writing
Based on observations made from previous assessment efforts (“closing the loop”) The development of an assessment tool that can be implemented in courses requiring formal writing Elements to include: Simplicity Flexibility Relevancy
Based on observations made from previous assessment efforts (“closing the loop”) The development of an assessment tool that can be implemented in courses requiring formal writing Elements to include: Simplicity Flexibility Relevancy Result: a plan that includes a new assessment tool, an existing course, a new course, and an existing showcase
Reflects departmental student learning goals and outcomes Communication Critical Thinking Professional Proficiency Objective Knowledge
Reflects departmental student learning goals and outcomes Communication Critical Thinking Professional Proficiency Objective Knowledge Measures specific skills according to discipline- specific standards
Reflects departmental student learning goals and outcomes Communication Critical Thinking Professional Proficiency Objective Knowledge Measures specific skills according to discipline- specific standards Allows individual faculty to adjust for specific assignments
Hist 205 (Historians’ Craft) had long addressed skills for research and writing Designed as an introductory course to precede “writing intensive” upper division courses in major Assessment recognized that skills taught early were not being retained through to the end of many students’ program
Hist 454 (Research and Writing Seminar) has been created to direct students in developing individual research projects and utilizing professional skills to produce finished papers Optional, acknowledging the varying needs/interests of our majors
The Stone House Review A journal sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta and the History Department Published since 1991 Featuring the best of submitted history papers A decline, however, in submissions in recent years With a renewed focus emphasizing writing A rise in submissions last year (admittedly, too soon to make any correlations) Nevertheless, an opportunity to highlight (if not assess) success