Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Excerpted from Effective Human Relations by Reece and Brandt
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Unwelcome verbal or physical behavior that affects a persons job performance or work environment Employers have a legal and moral responsibility to prevent it
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Costs of sexual harassment include Absenteeism Staff turnover Low morale Low productivity
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Under the law, sexual harassment may take two forms: Quid pro quo Hostile work environment
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Quid pro quo (something for something) occurs when management threatens the job security or career potential of subordinate who refuses to submit to sexual advances Comments of a personal or sexual nature Unwanted touching and feeling Demands for sexual favors
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Hostile work environment occurs when a reasonable person believes behavior is sufficiently severe to create an abusive working environment Use of sexual innuendo Sexually oriented jokes and conversations Explicit photos Can be a gray area
How to Deal with Sexual Harassment Women entering fields dominated by men are common targets of harassment Unwelcome is the key word to determine if behavior is harassment Companies should have written policies stating that such behavior will not be tolerated
How to Deal with Sexual Harassment Victims should Tell harasser that behavior is inappropriate Record occurrence with dates and details Talk with coworkers who can provide Emotional support Verification of incidents Speak with a higher supervisor, if actions continue
How to Deal with Sexual Harassment Two court rulings Companies can be held liable for a supervisors behavior An employer can be liable when supervisor threatens to punish a worker for resisting sexual demands
How to Deal with Sexual Harassment Companies can Develop a zero tolerance policy Communicate it to employees Make sure victims can report abuse without fear or retaliation