Women in Kiwanis: is 26% good enough?
What is Kiwanis? Let’s talk about Kiwanis What is Kiwanis?
Serving the children of the world Is 26% enough? Would you like to see more women in Kiwanis? What is the right percentage?
Why don’t women join Kiwanis?
Lack of invitation? Think it is a men’s organization? Don’t know we exist? Other ideas? Why don’t women join Kiwanis?
What kind of women would we like to attract? What are the attributes of potential women members?
Bond and work well with others. Are caretakers. Get things done. Know and can attract more women. Share their connections, energy time talent and treasures. Want to work with children Are Kind, sensitive, hard working, influential. Women who…
What can we offer Women? In general do you think women are interested in gimmicks or give always as an incentive?
What can we offer Women? Service opportunities. Connections. Others with similar hearts. Variety of club structures. A welcoming environment for women? Personal growth opportunities. An invitation!
How are we going attract more women? Can we provide what they look for? How are we going to match – What we are looking for and what – Women are looking for in a club?
Kiwanis Eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus TheEliminateProject.org
What else should we provide a new member? Are women looking for something different than Men?
How does our club welcome women— New members How does your club fulfill expectations?
Service project opportunities Leadership opportunities New Member Orientations Inclusiveness Social events Recognition How does our club welcome women— New members
What else should we do BEFORE we invite more women in to Kiwanis? Service project opportunities Programs of interest Plan to engage our new members Meaningful induction New Member orientation Look closely at our club
The best club in town Is your club inviting to others? Good food, fun and interesting speakers? Positive attitude? Consistent timely meetings? Leaders are organized, well informed and active? Does your club sponsor a Service Leadership Program club? Do ALL of your members get involved with SLP?
Your next step to make it happen
We get what we focus on Did you ever wake up one morning and find yourself in Hawaii or another location of your dreams? Does your vacation just happen? Or do you have to plan for it?
Make a plan to get more women into your club Have a membership meeting with your board, form a committee and let your members know! – Remember that some may be sensitive to a limited membership focus. – Decide we need new members? – Make a plan to discover prospects.
As Nike says— “Just do it!” Pick a date and have a special “Invite a guest” club meeting or service project. Have an internal club contest, who can bring the most guests who join? – Send out letters? – Invite friends! – Follow up? Survey, why did women leave, make changes in your club? Use your own creative ideas! TAKE ACTION!
s/a/womenvols.htm Resources
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