In-Text Citations The necessary information for an in-text citation is found in parenthesis at the end of a sentence.
Single Author: Immediately following a quotation from a source or a paraphrase of a source's, you place the author's last name followed by a space and the relevant page number(s).
Example Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (Burke 3). The cite always goes before the period that ends the last sentence!
Two Authors: Certain literacy theorists have gone so far as to declare that "the most significant elements of human culture are undoubtedly channeled through words (Goody and Watt 323).
Works With No Author When a source has no known author, use the title of the work instead of an author name. Place the title in quotation marks.
Example: Several critics of the concept of the transparent society ask if a large society would be able to handle the complete loss of privacy ("Surveillance Society" 115).
Websites If there is no author for your site you just put the name of the site in parenthesis after the quote or paraphrase. Use the First title that appears on your source card, because this will appear first on your works cited page. No Page number needed!
Example: Abraham Lincoln's birthplace was designated as a National Historical Site in 1959 (National Park Service).