What is immigration? Immigration (derived from Latin: migratio) is the act of people entering and settling in a country or region to which they are not native.
"Immigration will, in the years ahead, be one of our biggest challenges, offering opportunities of growth and jobs for our aging economies and of development for countries of origin„ —Jacques Barrot, European Commission Vice-President for Justice, Freedom, and Security
Reasons Why People Immigrate Financially Secured Future Gaining financial stability and better future prospects, when another country is offering better future anticipations, higher wages and a polished lifestyle High Standard of Living Another lifestyle, f.ex. Bigger offer of cultural activities, shorter working hours Education Education is critical for preparing immigrants and their offspring to be active and successful participants Political Reasons Wide range of political reasons are arrayed with the term immigration. People immigrate to maintain a global presence amongst various countries
Needs of a big Change in Life Sometimes people feel tired of their life in one place and feel need of total change of their environment or friends, to cut off their family… Soul Mate Some migration is for personal reasons, based on a relationship such as in in family reunification or transnational marriage Example of Someone Else The first person immigrates and sends “Happily Settled” information to his loved ones living in the native country. And then… others also immigrate to the same country to enhance their future prospects
Classification of immigrants migrant/foreign worker refugee legal illegal
Illegal Workers Illegal employment is concentrated in certain sectors, particularly construction, agriculture, cleaning, and hotel/catering, where they help meet the needs of some employers willing to take advantage of workers who will accept what are mostly unskilled, often unsafe, and generally low-paying jobs
Legal Workers „Legal" immigrant is loosely defined as someone who comes to a different country from their country of citizenship through the legal process in place by the target country. EU legislation on legal immigration is typically tied to existing work or study arrangements and concern: ■ Family reunification: ■ Long-term residents ■ Students: ■ Researchers: ■ Legal status of non-EU workers: ■ Highly skilled workers
Refugees Refugee is a person who is outside their country of origin or habitual residence because they have suffered persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted 'social group'
Syrian refugees camp in Turkey
Effects of Immigration
Positive Effects
Economical benefits immigrants often do jobs that people in the host country don’t want to do, they often work longer hours and for lower salaries, what benefits the host country
Economical benefits well educated immigrants offer an increased talent pool
Cultural Diversification Immigrants, when made to feel welcome in the host society, can contribute to the diversity of that society, which can help with tolerance and understanding cuisine sport media art
cne cuisine sport media art
Development of new forms of dealing with discrimination, social exclusion, racism and xenophobia
Negative Effects
Cultural conflicts on religious or ethnic background; about traditional clothes, prayers, food…
Cultural conflicts: racism hatred of one person by another, or the belief that another person is less than human because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth…
„Brain drain” limited resources hosting country spend in educating their students compared to foreign students (f.ex. the UK for is often accused of actively hiring medical staff from developing countries)
Criminality Because of bad living conditions and not enough social help from the hosting country sometimes the growing rate of street fights and drug trafficking is being connected with immigrants
„Without the assumed net migration inflow, Europe’s population would start shrinking from 2012 onwards” (European Commission, 2009, p. 70)
Conclusion Immigration to Europe increased from the 1980s onward, as a result of people from developing countries wanting to escape war, oppresion, natural disasters or poverty. Some EU countries saw a dramatic growth in immigration after World War II until the 1970s. Most European nations today (particularly those of the EU-15) have sizeable immigrant populations, many of non-European origin. In the European Union, as the EU citizenship implies freedom of movement and residence within the EU itself.
The end Powerpoint created by the international participants during the youth exchange “Turning social exclusion in inclusive growth” – that took place in Sala Bolognese – June 2012