Goal Setting Lawrence Fine Conducted by
Lawrence Fine Lawrence is the Founder and President of FineSoccer.com, an extensive online soccer coaching resource visited and read by hundreds of thousands of players and coaches from all over the world. As part of the FineSoccer program, he has published six books on soccer coaching.FineSoccer.com His active involvement in the United States soccer league has made him a favorite pick to speak at numerous soccer symposiums and conventions all over the country. Lawrence is also one of the Technical Consultants for the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. National Soccer Coaches Association of America Lawrence has managed the practical applications of life strategies both in and out of the field. Years of coaching experience made him an outstanding choice for a Human Resource Consultant. He specializes in Time Management, Stress Management, Goal Setting and Long-Term Planning. He is the president of Webbreez.com, a web design company. This is a natural recourse for him, after 10 years of working as a Computer Consultant, specializing in Robotic engineering and programming. Lawrence is currently focused on Internet security for children, and has a book on the subject released on April 2006.Webbreez.com
Failing to Plan is the same as Planning to Fail
“If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 6 sharpening my ax” Abraham Lincoln
Think of a goal as your final destination, if you don’t know what your final destination is, there is no way to plan on how to get there. No planning = Failing
There is very little difference between mediocre and greatness. The boiling point is only 1 degree different than very warm water. The difference is tremendous. Steam can power many things. The difference between a race horse that wins first place and a second place is often fractions of a second.
Definition of a goal A goal is: A Dream Attainable Measurable Has a Time Limit Within your control In Writing
Seven goal areas Family/home Social Educational Religious Achievement/recognition Career Physical/health
Examples of bad Goals: “I want to get faster” Is this goal set up as a goal that is easily measurable? Is there a time limit to this? How about: “I presently run the 40 in 5.0 seconds and by December 1, I want to be able to run the 40 in 4.9”
Example of bad goal: “I want to get faster” Is this goal set up as a goal that is easily measurable? Is there a time limit to this? How about: “I presently run the 40 in 5.0 seconds and by December 1, I want to be able to run the 40 in 4.9”
Example of bad goal: “I want my team to win every tournament we enter this year.” The problem with this goal is that this isn’t something that is necessarily within your control. For example, if you are a classic level team, one way to fulfill this goal would be to only play in recreational level tournaments which might allow them to fulfill this goal even though it isn’t much of a “dream accomplished.” The other side of this would be the team that really challenges themselves and competes in very difficult tournaments where they win some and lose some. While they aren’t winning every game, they might be improving in each competition. A better way to word this might be to break things down such as “to put 7 of 10 shots on goal in our next tournament” or “complete 60% of passes successfully in the next three games.”
Examples of good team goals: “Get a shutout in 60% of the games this fall (while there certainly are things out of the teams control such as a much better team or a great goal scorer, by setting this throughout the whole season and making it attainable even against top level competition by using an average instead of a specific set of games).” “Set up for properly for all dead ball situations in the next 6 games.”
Examples of good individual goals: “Increase my ability to juggle from 10 consecutive juggles to 30 consecutive juggles in the next 60 days” “Improve my vertical jump by 2 inches by December 15”
Now that you have set your individual and team goals, now what? Think of it as you now know you want to drive from Charleston WV to Disney World in Orlando Florida. You know the final destination but now have to figure out the best route to get from Charleston to Orlando. This would mean getting maps (or using Mapquest.com or possibly a GPS system) and planning. To make the drive easier, rather then driving to Orlando you could drive to Charlotte, have lunch, then plan on next going to Jacksonville FL for dinner and then on to Orlando. By breaking this down it doesn't make the trip any shorter, but it does make it easier because when you get to Charlotte you have fulfilled one of the sub goals and then you can look forward to the next sub goal instead of simply looking at the final destination and saying "wow, I will never get there?"
You know where you want to be, the next step would be to figure out how to accomplish these goals. Using the previous individual goal of improving juggling from 10 to 30 consecutive juggles in the next 60 days, the process might be as simple as allocating 15 minutes every day for the next 60 days to work on juggling. If the previous record was 10 you would want to set a sub goal of getting up to 15 after the first 10 days, then 20 after 20 days and then each day add one more. By setting these sub goals, it allows the player to see gradual improvement by achieving each of the sub goals which will encourage them to keep working at improving.
Once you have your goals (and your sub goals) you need to figure out how you are going to be able to accomplish these goals. You want to be as specific as possible in order to achieve your objective of achieving each of the sub goals and the ultimate goals.
Big Hairy Audacious Goal While you want your goals to be attainable, it’s also important to have a long term BHAG. This is something that is “out there”, something that quite possibly might not be attainable but something that you would really like to accomplish long term. An example would be setting as your BHAG to be “to make the national team by the time you are 24.” While this might be something that is possible, it most likely is something that is really a push to ever accomplish but as long as you are working toward your BHAG you will most likely be successful.
Does a person have to achieve their goals in order to be successful? N O
Set goals, make sure they are in writing and readily visible and work toward your goals on a regular basis.
Three Steps to Success: Set the Goals Make a Commitment Be Accountable
Video: Goal Setting
Individual Assignment: Write a long list of the goals you think would be important and worthwhile for you to accomplish. (a dream list) Now look at your list and ask yourself the following questions: Does it fit my values? Is it realistic? Is it flexible? Does it fit in with my other goals? Will the rewards be worth what I put in to it? Is it what I want?