Matthew 19:10
These passages are very important for understanding the subject of marriage and divorce. These passages are very important for understanding the subject of marriage and divorce. The passage mentioned by the Jews to Jesus was Deuteronomy 24:1-4. The passage mentioned by the Jews to Jesus was Deuteronomy 24:1-4. The Jews used that passage to warrant divorce for any cause. The Jews used that passage to warrant divorce for any cause.
Jesus and Moses were never in conflict with one another. Both were in harmony with God’s formula at the beginning, which was that one man and one woman should marry - and stay married (Gen. 2:24) Jesus and Moses were never in conflict with one another. Both were in harmony with God’s formula at the beginning, which was that one man and one woman should marry - and stay married (Gen. 2:24) God’s marriage laws are strict God’s marriage laws are strict Marriage is a great blessing, but it must be taken seriously. Marriage is a great blessing, but it must be taken seriously.
Jesus taught that divorce was allowed only in the case of fornication – Matthew 19:9 Jesus taught that divorce was allowed only in the case of fornication – Matthew 19:9 Divorce for any other reason results in adultery when there is remarriage Divorce for any other reason results in adultery when there is remarriage Which is what Jesus taught in Matthew 5:32 Which is what Jesus taught in Matthew 5:32 To marry a divorced (put away) person results in adultery To marry a divorced (put away) person results in adultery
Jesus taught that divorce was allowed only in the case of fornication – Matthew 19:9 Jesus taught that divorce was allowed only in the case of fornication – Matthew 19:9 Any divorce must be on those grounds specified by Jesus... Any divorce must be on those grounds specified by Jesus... A divorce for any other grounds... A divorce for any other grounds... Is an attempt to separate what God has joined together Is an attempt to separate what God has joined together Results in a remarriage where people commit adultery - Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:11-12 Results in a remarriage where people commit adultery - Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:11-12
Who Can Be Married? Who Can Be Married? One who has never been married – Matthew 19:4-5 One who has never been married – Matthew 19:4-5 One whose mate is dead – Romans 7:3 One whose mate is dead – Romans 7:3 One who puts away a mate for fornication – Matthew 19:9 One who puts away a mate for fornication – Matthew 19:9 Those reconciling – 1Corinthians 7:11 Those reconciling – 1Corinthians 7:11 Find out early Find out early Some may be tempted to ignore God’s law Some may be tempted to ignore God’s law But Jesus speaks of some foregoing marriage for the sake of Heaven -Matthew 19:12 But Jesus speaks of some foregoing marriage for the sake of Heaven -Matthew 19:12
Can I leave my father and mother? – Matthew 19:5 Can I leave my father and mother? – Matthew 19:5 Can I (men) love as Christ loved the church? Can I (men) love as Christ loved the church? Ephesians 5… Ephesians 5… Can I (women) follow this man and submit to him? Can I (women) follow this man and submit to him? Can I teach my children to serve the Lord? Can I teach my children to serve the Lord? Ephesians 6:1-4 Ephesians 6:1-4
The example of Ruth – Ruth 1:16-17 The example of Ruth – Ruth 1:16-17 Ruth makes a vow; Ruth makes a vow; Marriage is a covenant –Malachi 2:14 Marriage is a covenant –Malachi 2:14
God’s teaching on marriage is plain and clear. God’s teaching on marriage is plain and clear. His words have not changed. His words have not changed. Contrast the reaction of many today... Contrast the reaction of many today... The disciples of Jesus: The disciples of Jesus: Many people today: Many people today: Many people will marry Many people will marry But if we can’t follow God’s laws… it is better not to marry! But if we can’t follow God’s laws… it is better not to marry!
Matthew 19:10