WELCOME! Meet the officers:Meet the officers: President ~ Isis ArgüelloPresident ~ Isis Argüello Vice-president ~ Aileen ValdezVice-president ~ Aileen Valdez Secretary ~ Mihail SantanaSecretary ~ Mihail Santana Vice-secretary ~ Adriana JaimeVice-secretary ~ Adriana Jaime Treasury~ Amelia DasoledadeTreasury~ Amelia Dasoledade Vice-treasury ~ Donovan HenryVice-treasury ~ Donovan Henry
J.C.C IS A club designed to educate members about Japanese culture.A club designed to educate members about Japanese culture. We promote its traditions for the many beautiful festivals held in Japan. Not only do we educate our members, but as well as the entire school body. We have group events that give first hand experience about some of the activities done in Japan.
WHY JOIN? Not only is J.C.C a new interactive experience, but it also has many benefits: Knowledge obtain is knowledge you can spread and make yourself well rounded You expand your horizons about a culture not common to our state.
J.C.C IS NOT We are not an anime club and so our focus is not anime. Although we ourselves DO enjoy anime and may use it as a teaching tool from time to time. Our goal is to explore aspects of Japanese culture that are often referenced by various anime. If anything, this club can help you understand anime better!
UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER: O-Bon festival and its historyO-Bon festival and its history Origami - Paper LanternsOrigami - Paper LanternsNOVEMBER: Shichi-go-San explanation/historyShichi-go-San explanation/history Candy salesCandy salesDECEMBER Japanese ChristmasJapanese Christmas Origami – Christmas ThemeOrigami – Christmas Theme
UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY Oshogatsu (New Years)Oshogatsu (New Years) New Years arts & crafts - good luck charmsNew Years arts & crafts - good luck charms Morikami field trip – Spring FlowersMorikami field trip – Spring FlowersFEBRUARY Valentine’s Day – Japanese styleValentine’s Day – Japanese style Origami – Flowers & ChocolatesOrigami – Flowers & Chocolates
UPCOMING EVENTS MARCH: White DayWhite Day Origami – Teddy Bears, Flowers & ChocolatesOrigami – Teddy Bears, Flowers & ChocolatesAPRIL: Japanese Exam CultureJapanese Exam Culture Epcot Japan *(4/3/15)Epcot Japan *(4/3/15) Club ElectionsClub ElectionsMAY: Election Results via remind 101Election Results via remind 101
CLUB WEBSITE Students -> Clubs -> Japanese Culture ClubStudents -> Clubs -> Japanese Culture Club Application/ Remind 101 Due by October 17, 2014Application/ Remind 101 Due by October 17, 2014
APPLICATION Everyone must submit a application.Everyone must submit a application. Mater club website Mater club website Due by October 17, 2014Due by October 17, 2014
REMIND 101 Everyone must sign up to remind 101.Everyone must sign up to remind 101. Due by October 17, 2014Due by October 17, 2014 Text at Text at
FEE & SHIRT Club fee: $5.00 Due: October 23, 2014 Club shirt: $15.00Pre- order: October 23, 2014 Club shirt: $15.00 Pre- order: October 23, 2014
BULLETIN BOARD O-Bon festivalO-Bon festival When the board is complete, we would like to encourage our members to write a small note to a loved one that had passed away. Further explanation of Obon to be given in the next meeting.
Have a nice weekend!Have a nice weekend! Thank you!Thank you!Arigato!