BB efore, accessing information through the internet was a rather technical affair. II t was so hard for people to swap data. 11 990 TT im Berners Lee – invented the use of HTML HH ypertext means text stored in electronic form with cross-reference links between pages. HH ypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language for describing how pages of text graphics, and other information are organized, formatted and linked together. What is a Web Page?
11 993 AA lmost 100 computers throughout the world were equipped to serve up HTML pages. WW orld Wide Web (WWW), Web browser programs MM arc Andressen CC reator of Netscape Navigator TT he first Web browser that could view graphic images
WW YSIWYG WW hat you see is what you get WW eb browser II s a computer program that interprets (HTML) commands to collect, arrange and display the parts of a Web page. How Web Pages Work
SS oftware for Editing HTML WW indows Notepad MM icrosoft FrontPage MM acromedia Dreamweaver SS.H.E. (Simple HTML Editor) How to Edit Web Pages
HH TML tag II s a coded command used to indicate how part of a Web page should be displayed. MM ost HTML tags have to parts: AA n opening tag, which indicates where a piece of text begins AA closing tag, which indicates where the piece of text ends CC losing tags start with / (forward slash) just after the < symbol. Create a Web Page Right Now
FF our basic HTML tags in a Web Page << HTML> << HEAD> << TITLE> << BODY> Tags Every HTML Page Must Have
TT o skip a line between paragraphs, put a <p> tag at the beginning of each paragraph and a </p> tag at the end. TT he <br> tag forces a line break within a paragraph. DD oesn’t require a closing </br> TT he <hr> a horizontal rule line to appear. Paragraphs and Line Breaks
FF or a big level 1 heading, put an <h1> tag at the beginning and an </h1> tag at the end. SS maller level use <h2> and </h2> LL ittle level use <h3 and </h3> Headings
<< html>…</html> EE ncloses the entire HTML document << head>…</head> EE ncloses the head of the HTML document << title>…</title> II ndicates the title of the document. Used within <head> << body>…</body> EE ncloses the body of the HTML document << p>…</p> AA paragraph; skips a line between paragraphs << br /> AA line break. HTML Tags Covered
A horizontal line rule … A first-level heading … A second-level heading … A third-level heading … A fourth-level heading (seldom used) … A fifth-level heading (seldom used) … A sixth-level heading (seldom used) HTML Tags Covered