Challenge Instructions 1.All instructions for the challenges must be submitted using the PowerPoint template provided. 2.Your challenge will be based on one of the Common Palette activities that you are assigned with a Greek Mythology theme. 3.Your Challenge should be broken down into 2 parts. a)The first part should be easy to achieve and be based on the Common Palette activity that you are assigned. Ideally this task should be able to be completed in 10 minutes or less. b)The second part should be more difficult but attainable in the 20 minute time allotment. The task should be an extension of the first challenge in order to allow completion in the allotted time. 4.Each slide should include numbered steps and a diagram of the challenge. 5.The diagram should include images, measurements, arrows and lines to give a visual representation of the challenge. 6.When you finish your instructions delete this slide and the sample slides. 7.Save the Challenge Instructions and it to You will need to save the directions with the following naming convention challenge_campus_10 (ie:
Challenge Name Part 1 1.
Challenge Name Part 2 1.
Stahl Challenge 1 Detect a Dark Line 1.You have just landed on a new planet. Before you start your mission, count down 3,2,1! 2.Go forward 55 cm. 3.Turn left and stop when he senses the black line. Scream if you see any life form! 4.Reverse 24 cm. and stop. Forward 55cm Run away quick!
Stahl Challenge 2 Detect a Dark Line 1.You have just landed on a new planet. Before you start your mission, count down 3,2,1! 2.Go forward 55 cm. 3.Turn left and stop when he senses the black line. 4.Reverse 24 cm. and stop. 5.Make a right turn and go straight 25 cm. 6.Using a curved turn cruise around Azthe meteors. Stop halfway to take a picture (use !Arm5 sound) Finish the turn and proceed down the path 7.Take a left and proceed to the mythical Dancing Alien. 8.Take a right turn and have a spin (540 ) the mythical Dancing Alien. 9.Proceed and take another left because it’s been a long day of exploration. Go ahead and back your space cruiser into garage A or B. Say… “Cheese!” B A