He comes the God who is Father, Son and Spirit. He comes for he has promised to do so. He was there on the first day of creation, he will be there on the last. While coming at the hour he alone chooses, the God who is Father, Son and Spirit wishes that we call him, that we desire him and keep waiting for him. The Season of Advent is a privileged time for doing that, to say and repeat with fervor: Come, Come to save us ! Come to enlighten us, uplift us, liberate us, comfort us ! Come ! Come ! at the hour that is yours, but Come ! We pray. Jean-Yves Garneau, p.s.s. – Priest and Pastor, October 2011
4 TH Sunday of Advent 18 December 2011
According to your word The Archangel Gabriel approached Mary with words from Heaven Hail Full of Grace, the Lord is with you! Mary pondered Gabriels greeting asking herself How can this be since I am a virgin? She, who is strengthened by the Lord, receives the grace to respond generously with the words Be it done unto me according to your Word Do not be afraid to trust the Lord, and to give your own fiat as did Mary whatever you want O Lord!
I n the Incarnation, the world is changed forever: God has come down, God has dwelt among us! The world waited for the long-desired Messiah. Listen to the Fathers of the Church
(…) The promises of God and the hopes of all peoples become one in the Incarnation and Nativity of the God-man Jesus.
This, the great Event of history, changes each moment, present and future We celebrate his birth in the Sacred Mysteries we celebrate, as we await his return in Glory! Divo Barsotti Mystic life and liturgical mystery
WORD FOR TODAY D Despite his great sin, David longed to build a house for God among his people Yet no earthly home can satisfy the Lord. God did not come to us in riches, with gold-filled palaces but in humility
He came to us in discreet fashion, through the humble words of a Virgin, who ushers in a new era for the world, and for the Church.
The Archangel Gabriel greets many in Hebrew with the words Peace! Peace means more than words; Gods peace expresses perfect Blessedness. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, heals and reconciles us, while returning us to that Perfect peace first breathed upon the world by the Eternal Father in his perfect act of Creation. Now we too can receive the comforting words of the Father: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. (John 14:27)
May Mary teach us how to say yes to the Lord, without counting the cost.
Help us to say "yes" to you Lord, because it is your divine life that animates humanity and because it is your love that burns in our hearts.
Text : S ignes daujourdhui Pictures : Taken from the Net Sister Disciples of the Divine master Canada
May she teach us the true meaning of Christmas: to live in simplicity and that we might be convicted once again of the dignity that each one possesses as a child of God (see Alexander C, O.S.B.) When we become more fully aware of this dignity, then we will receive our New Born King in Peace, Joy and Love. Our warmest greetings to all for a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Canada 2011