Spatial Planning in Baltic Sea Region State of Brandenburg Uckermark-Barnim Region
Task and Organisation Balancing interests while making sustainable use of development potentials Spatial planning on state and regional level Instruments and key elements of spatial planning
Balancing interests while making sustainable use of development potentials What is important? Financial means, technology, qualified and motivated personnel. Soil suitable for agriculture and forestry, landscape with a high potential for tourism or significance for the protection of flora and fauna, groundwater and surface water, mineral resources. Settlement structure and infrastructure, traffic and communication lines connecting them, other infrastructure allowing life and economic activities. All these resources need to be brought to best use and, at the same time, must be preserved and further developed for future generations. The task of spatial planning is to avoid or to minimise conflicts and further spatial concentration of different activities where this leads to favourable and efficient results.
Spatial planning on state and regional level Joint State Development Program (LEPro) Plan for the Closer Sphere of Influence (LEPeV) State Development Plan for the Entire Region (LEP GR) State Development Plan on the Development of the Airport Location (LEP FS) Regional Plans - Overall Plans and as regards content or areal sectoral Plans
Instruments and key elements of spatial planning General spatial categories System of central places and development axes Sectoral objectives and principles with specific spatial categories: - Priority areas (Vorranggebiete) - Areas with special significance (Vorbehaltsgebiete) - Suitable areas (Eignungsgebiete)
State Development Plan for the Entire Region (LEP GR)
State Development Plan for the Closer Sphere of Influence
Uckermark-Barnim Region
Uckermark-Barnim Region - Short Introduction Population :Uckermark County persons ( ) Barnim County total Major Communities :Eberswalde persons ( ) Schwedt Bernau Prenzlau Wandlitz Panketal Templin Angermünde Area :Uckermark County square kilometer Barnim County total Population density :69,7 persons / square kilometer Land use :Agriculture 54,2 % Forest 30,2 Water 4,9 Settlement Area 3,8 Transportation Infrastructure 2,9 Other 4,0 State of Brandenburg persons Metropolitan Area of Berlin
Content of a Regionalplan in Brandenburg A Regionalplan has to elaborate state-wide planning goals in the following areas and reformulate them for the territory of a region: Settlement pattern Settlement area Ecologically effective network of open spaces bonded system of environment Technical infrastructure Utilisation of wind power Securing raw materials Flood protection
Regional Planning Association Uckermark-Barnim - Regional Planning Office - Regionale Planungsgemeinschaft Uckermark-Barnim - Regionale Planungsstelle - Coppistraße 1e D Eberswalde Phone(49) Fax(49) internet: