Joseph van der Stegen DG Environement - Nature Unit


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Presentation transcript:

Joseph van der Stegen DG Environement - Nature Unit Financing Natura 2000 Policy framework and new opportunities for 2014-2020 Workshop for Belgium Brussels, 11 December 2013 Joseph van der Stegen DG Environement - Nature Unit

EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 « Our life insurance, our natural capital » A 2050 VISION European Union biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides – its natural capital – are protected, valued and appropriately restored… A 2020 HEADLINE TARGET Halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU and restore them insofar as feasible, and step up the EU's contribution to averting global biodiversity loss

New EU Biodiversity Strategy 2011 Target 1 - Nature conservation To halt the deterioration in the status of all species and habitats covered by EU nature legislation and achieve a significant and measurable improvement in their status by 2020 Complete the establishment of the Natura 2000 network and ensure good management Increase stakeholder awareness and involvement and improve enforcement Improve and streamline monitoring and reporting Ensure adequate financing of Natura 2000 sites

Introduction 1979: Birds Directive 1992: Habitats Directive Scope → all species of naturally occurring birds in the wild in the EU. Overall objective → to maintain wild birds in good conservation. 1992: Habitats Directive Scope → More than 1000 threatened plants and animals and approx. 230 habitat types Overall objective → ensure their favourable conservation status.

Natura 2000 Network 26 400 sites 986 000 km² 18 % EU land 4 % EU seas Globally largest co-ordinated network of PAs; Almost complete on land; Marine component – still some gaps.

Financing Natura 2000: integration approach Article 8 of the Habitats Directive (Prioritized Action Framework – PAF) 2004: Communication on Financing Natura 2000 2007: Handbook 2010: Conference - Financing Natura 2000 2010-11: Public consultation May 2011: Roundtable December 2011: Staff Working Document 2011: COM proposals EU funds 2011-2013: negotiations Multiannual Financing Framework (MFF) 2014-2020: next MFF For details check:

Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 March 2012: Europe 2020 strategy June 2011: COM Proposals for sectoral funds: structural and cohesion rural development maritime and fisheries LIFE 2012: Position papers Feb. 2013: Council agreement on EU budget 2nd half 2013: Partnership agreements End 2013: Adoption regulations (funds) 2013/2014: Operational Programmes 2014-2020: Implementation For general info on MFF programming principles: Position papers for all MS are available on

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) EAFRD - 2nd pillar Compensation payments (Art. 31) Agri-environment-climate and forest-environment payments (Art. 29) Direct payments - greening 1st pillar For latest info on CAP reform check CAP fiche in \\net1\env\Public\ENV-Restricted\Dir-B\1.3.5 Contracts Management\ Procurement\SI2.629992_Financing Natura 2000 2012\Contract management\Deliverables\Workshops\Materials for the workshops Art. 29 and 31 of the draft EAFRD Regulation are the most relevant for N2000 but there are other indirect opportunities; for details please check the draft Handbook in the same folder Content of RDPs: "an appropriate approach towards the environment, including the specific needs of Natura 2000 areas"

Structural funds and the Cohesion Fund Natura 2000 and Green Infrastructure to be financed from EU Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund Rationale: eco-services, natural capital, economic development, regional cooperation, legal obligations Multiple benefits (synergies with climate, SME, R&D, resource efficiency objectives) Biodiversity and nature have to be integrated in the entire programme cycle Projects Indicators Evaluation SWOT Priorities Emphasize the possibility of financing Natura 2000 from the European Fund of Regional Development and the Cohesion Fund. Regions with GDP below 75% of have more flexibility and opportunities of using these funds for Natura 2000. Other regions are subject to concentration of funds for other priorities (climate, SMEs., R&D) but they still might allocate money to N2000 if they justify it appropriately. For details please see the draft Handbook and the DG REGIO guide on Multi Benefits.

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Sustainable and resource efficient fisheries and aquaculture Biodiversity and ecosystems inlc. N2000 Aquaculture methods compatible with N2000 Recognition of the link with the PAFs and Operational Programs (OPs) required to show "appropriate approach" to environment including Natura 2000 For more info on EMFF reform there's a fiche in \\net1\env\Public\ENV-Restricted\Dir-B\1.3.5 Contracts Management\ Procurement\SI2.629992_Financing Natura 2000 2012\Contract management\Deliverables\Workshops\Materials for the workshops

LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action LIFE as a catalyst; New structure: sub programmes for the Environment and Climate Action; Budget: €3.6 billion with 75% for ENV and 25% for Climate; New concept: integrated projects; More coordination with other funds; Multiannual work programmes; National allocations to be phased out; Co-financing rates: nature and biodiversity 60%, priority habitats and species a 75%. For more info on LIFE reform there's a fiche in \\net1\env\Public\ENV-Restricted\Dir-B\1.3.5 Contracts Management\ Procurement\SI2.629992_Financing Natura 2000 2012\Contract management\Deliverables\Workshops\Materials for the workshops

PAFs and integrated projects Implementation of plans, programmes or strategies required by EU environmental or climate legislation; Larger scale, e.g., regional, multiregional, national; Primarily in the areas of nature, water, waste, air, climate mitigation and adaptation; They are inclusive: stakeholders must be involved as associated beneficiaries; Sustainability will be important as well as mobilisation of other funds (EU or other);

Innovative financing instruments Payments for ecosystem services; Habitat banking; Pro-biodiversity businesses (biomass, certified food products); Low/Zero rate loans; Tax incentives; Carbon credits; User fees; Sponsorship, charities. Emphasize that innovative financing instruments might be used to bridge the financing gap, which is not covered by EU or national funding. In the draft Handbook there examples of projects financed with innovative instruments.

Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) PAFs objectives: Strategic planning; Identification of priorities; Improve awareness about socio-economic benefits from Natura 2000; Identify and assess forms of funding for Natura 2000. Provide a general info on PAF objectives and then discuss the national PAF.

Prioritised Action Framework Flemish Region's PAF dated May 2013 Main objectives: Halt and prevent deterioration of the present conservation status Reach favourable conservation status or improve status by 2020 for 16 habitats Reach favourable conservation status for all habitats by 2050 Reach favourable conservation status or improve status by 2020 for protected species Reach favourable conservation status for all species by 2050. Regional nature conservation objectives outside Natura 2000 The strategic management plan Natura 2000 Regional priority action on eutrophying and acidiphying depositions Defining ecological thresholds to mitigate local environmental pressures Main measures: see dedicated presentation Provide a general info on PAF objectives and then discuss the national PAF.

Prioritised Action Framework Walloon Region's PAF dated 31/01/2013 to be completed (D: current experience with use of EU financial instruments, G: Key measures to achieve priorities) Main priorities and sources of funding identified 6 Main objectives: Increasing the area of habitats of CI and habitats of species of CI Improving structures and functions Recurrent management of habitats and species Monitoring Awareness-traising Co-ordination and Updating the PAF Main objectives: Special focus on: swampy soils, hay meadows, calcareous meadows, bog areas, Black grouse, 3 species of Annex II buterflies, Pearl Mussel Provide a general info on PAF objectives and then discuss the national PAF.

PAF: follow-up with EC services B.3 Nature D.1 Cohesion Policy DG REGIO ERDF CF B.1 Agricultural Policy DG AGRI EAFRD C.2 Marine Policy DG MARE EMFF E.3 LIFE Nature DG ENV

Partnership Agreements Operational Programmes PAF: follow-up with MS Position Papers Sent to all the MS Natura 2000 and PAFs (mostly) recognised Partnership Agreements DG REGIO in the lead Negotiations on-going Operational Programmes For all the CSF funds Ideally, reference to the PAF

Next steps: opportunities and challenges Partnership Agreement; Operational Programmes; Consider nature/biodiversity for the whole programme cycle; Implementation; learn from the experience; Be smart, look for multiple benefits; Think out of the box – consider innovative financing instruments.

Additional information Indicate that there are publications which can help the MS with programming of funds for Natura 2000.

For more information, please consult: Contact: (Walloon and Brussels Regions) (Flemish Region) For more information, please consult: 21 21