Ayşe Gül ÇALIŞKAN Erhan IŞIK ECE 491 Interm Presentation Supervisors : Halil T. EYYUBOĞLU Fahrettin DOĞAN(Türk Telekom) Gökhan BERK(Türk Telekom)
OUTLINE Introduction Why network security is needed? DoS (Denial of Service) DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) About Company Future Work References ECE 491 Interm Presentation
INTRODUCTION Investigation of network security issues Implementation of network security issues ECE 491 Interm Presentation
Why network security is needed? According to a research done by Computer Security Institute since 1996, it was seen that information processing systems are at great risk. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
In 1998, 64% of companies and institutions which joined this research stated that they faced information processing weakness. In 2000, this rate rised to 70%. DDoS attacks have increased by 2000% in the past three years. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
Denial of Service (DoS) (Single Attack) The simplest type of attack. Attack is done via a single IP. It is easy to prevent DoS attacks. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
How to prevent DoS attack? ECE 491 Interm Presentation
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) (Multiple Attack) It is a type of attack which makes a machine or network resources unavailable. It is done by excess demand. It is not a kind of hacking. DDoS is most commonly faced attack in big internet service providers such as Türk Telekom. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
How to prevent DDoS attack? Firewall can not prevent DDoS. The easiest, although a costly way to prevent DDoS, is to buy more bandwidth. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
How Türk Telekom prevents DDoS attacks? The service of cleaning the traffic to minimize the damage that customer suffers in case of a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack and routing a cleaned traffic again to the customer location, by monitoring the customer traffic constantly, is called DDoS Attack Interception. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
How Çankaya University prevents DoS attacks? Çankaya University used to prevent DoS attacks by firewall. The information given by Rıdvan Kılıç (Specialist in Computer Center) ECE 491 Interm Presentation
About Company Türk Telekom has been providing communication media to its customers. Builder of - GSM, - Cable TV, - Internet. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
STUDIES IN FUTURE We are going to search for types of DDoS attacks such as SYN Flood,UDP Flood,HTTP Flood,DNS Flood. We are going to compare Çankaya University and Türk Telekom in terms of precautions that they take to prevent from the attacks. ECE 491 Interm Presentation
REFERENCES Shaffer,Steven L. & Simon, Alan R. (1994). Network Security. Önal, Huzeyfe (2010). Siber Saldırı Aracı Olarak DDoS. About Company ECE 491 Interm Presentation
ECE 491 Interm Presentation