“For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” Jesus Is God Colossians 2:9 “For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily”
Old Testament Is 9:6 (Everlasting Father) Is 7:14 – Matt 1:22-23 (Immanuel) Lord of David (Matt 22:42-45) God will come and save (Is 35:4-6) The way of the Lord (Is 40:3 – Matt 3:3)
New Testament Jesus is Lord and God (John 20:28) God’s own blood (Acts 20:28) Great God and Savior (Titus 2:13) Our bodies are the Temples of God (I Cor. 3:16-17) Thomas cries in Jn 20:28 Lord and God.
Manifested in Flesh God was (I Tim 3: 15-16) The Word (Jn 1:1, 14) God was in Christ (II Cor 5:19) Jesus is the expressed image of God (Heb 1:1-3) Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15)
The Word Logos (Greek) expression, thought as uttered Logos is “God uttering Himself” The Word is not a separate person just like our words are not a separate person The Word is God Himself, God’s means of self disclosure The Word (God) became flesh
Father Incarnate Incarnate – to give bodily form and substance The union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ Everlasting Father (Is 6:9), Godhead dwells in Christ (Col. 2:9) I AM (Jn 8:58) Dictionary definitions
Jesus is the Father I and my father are one (Jn 10:30) Seeing Jesus was seeing the father (Jn 12:45, Jn 14:8-11 Will not leave us fatherless (Jn 14:18) Comfortless is orphanos or parentless Jesus would not leave us orphans or fatherless
Comparisons Resurrection of Christ’s body (Jn 2:19-21 & Acts 2:24) Sending the Comforter (Jn 16:7 & Acts 2:24) The drawing of souls (Jn 12:32 & Jn 6:44) Sanctification of believers (Eph 5:26 & Jude 1:1) Resurrection of believers (Jn 6:40 & Jn 16:23)
Jesus is Jehovah Titles Almighty Gen 17:1 & Rev 1:8 I AM Ex 3:14-16 & Jn 8:58 Rock Ps 18:2; 28:1 & I Cor 10:4 Light Ps 27:1; Is 60:19 & Jn 1:4-9; Jn 8:12 Holy One Is 12:6 & Acts 2:27 Judge Is 33:22; Mic 5:1 & Acts 10:42
Titles Continued First and Last Is 41:4, 44:6, 48:12 & Rev. 1:8, 22:13 Redeemer Is 54:5, 60:16 & Gal 3:13, Rev 5:9 Creator Is 44:24, 45:8, 48:13 & Jn 1:3, Col 1:16, Heb 1:10
Jesus is Jehovah Names Jehovah-jireh (provider) Heb 10:10-12 Jehovah-rapha (Healer) James 5:14-15 Jehovah-nissi (banner, victory) I Cor 15:57 Jehovah-m’kaddesh (sanctifier) Eph 5:26 Jehovah-shalom (peace) Jn 14:27
Names Continued Jehovah-sabaoth (Lord of Hosts) Jm 5:4-7 Jehovah-elyon (Most High) Lk 1,32,76,78 Jehovah-raah (Shepherd) Jn 10:11 Jehovah-hoseenu (Maker) Jn 1:3 Jehovah-tsidkenu (Righteousness) I Cor 1:30 Jehovah-shammah (Present) Matt. 28:20