Is your company drowning in a sea of documents and regulations ? Quality Systems Integrators Presents... Training & Document Management System
INTRODUCING... Knowledge Management & Knowledge Transfer S ystem A
QSI Quality Development Background 50+ years Computer Technology and Software development 25+ years Quality Software Design, Development & Implementation 35+ years Training and Consulting Services
QSI Mission Statement Purpose To assist our clients in the management of their knowledge assets and to ensure the proper transferring of this knowledge to their most valued resource “PEOPLE”.
QSI BUSINESS MISSION Objectives Develop quality software that meets management goals of saving time, effort and money for our clients. Provide the highest quality customer and technical support.
QSI BUSINESS VISION To become the premier developer of software that improves our clients ability to manage their documents and training records by utilizing standard office tools and products. To partner with our clients in addressing their requirements to improve and expand on their development of a “Knowledge Management” System
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Develop software to be easy to use, easy to support, and satisfy the knowledge management needs of numerous standards –ISO 9000, –QS 9000, TE Supplement –AS 9000 –FDA Allow users to continue using their favorite products by augmenting and providing additional management features for their favorite tools.
Training & Document Management System Employee Activities E mployees will receive notification of activities via . Activities will display as soon as they logon. Sample activities types include: Document Review Final Signature Training Required Certification Expired Equipment Calibration Corrective Action and more….
Training & Document Management System It’s So Easy! Document Routing is simple and straight forward. Four simple steps can be accomplished by a click of the mouse. Individuals are notified for review, final signature and training. Each document can be assigned a cycle for expiration. Employees are automatically notified of expired training via our Cycle report.
Training & Document Management System Search Features E nables you to quickly locate your documents. With the “Search Results” window you easily see all documents that meet your search criteria. Right clicking on a document displays its description for further selection assistance.
Training & Document Management System Reports TMS uses the popular Crystal Report Writer. Create your own reports or use the standard reports included with the system: Employee 100% Trained by Job Jobs 100% Trained by Employee Training by Job & Employee Employee Job Packet Training Deviation by Job Training Deviation by Document Training by Document & Employee Training by Expiration Date Archive Training Master List Table of Contents Review Date Tickler Cycle Notification Report for Expired Training Numerous export functions are available
Training & Document Management System Document History A llows for users to quickly see the changes to a document. This information can provide valuable insight into the document’s development. Administrators can view archived documents at any time. If you are managing a piece of equipment, this provides a history of its calibration. Printing of the Document Revision History is a standard report.
Training & Document Management System Application Registry Allows IT to control the location of numerous applications. This saves both time and money on support and license fees.
Training & Document Management System Employee Job Planning Assigning employees to jobs and running deviation reports is a great way to manage the growth of your employees. Via a report, you can automatically create activities and send notifications for training requirements on all employee deviations.
Training & Document Management System Job Certification Making sure people are properly trained is an important task for managers. With employee injury or fear of law suites, managers can be personally liable if their employees are not properly trained. Lawsuits are real threat to businesses today!
Training & Document Management System Job Requirements Setting up job requirement is quick and easy. Simply click and move from one side to the other and requirements are automatically linked to the jobs. Requirements can include documents, certifications, training classes, video courses and much more…. All TMS relationships are created using the above grid formats.
Training & Document Management System Distribution Keeping track of physical copies of documents can leave employees frustrated and bored. Going completely paperless is not always realistic. This feature allows for the tracking of physical documents within your organization. TMS generates Table of Contents for procedure binders providing easy upkeep
Training & Document Management System Related Documents TMS can provide a tickler system to track documents that are related or referenced. This benefits the user by reminding them that other documents could be affected by a change. As mentioned earlier, all relationships use our easy grid format!
What else can you do with a Knowledge Management & Knowledge Transfer Software Product???? CALL and receive an evaluation copy. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed!