What is the aim of the project? It is a clear fact that there is nowhere to live but Earth and humanbeings have been disposing the world and its’ natural resources carelessly. We, partners, know this reality. World calls us for help, and our partnership will give an answer to the world’s call …
Thanks to this partnership, we can reach a lot of people in different cultures, from different countries and have the people /pupils awared of environmental problems. We will have been achieved the aim of this partnership by using education and applying problem solving method to environmental education,
Objectives of the Partnership we want to wake up people about environmental problems. This waking up will begin with us than spread to people as much as we can reach. (From class to world) to let young generation struggle for their world and their future by applying “problem solving method” into environmental problems Also, with this Project; different education programmes will have come to together and we can benefit from eachothers’ educational techniques and methods.
we can get to know other cultures in return for they can recognize ours. This Project improves sisterhood among partner countries. thanks to this partnership,we can discover “team spirit” and show how diffrent cultures work together for their future..
Subject or problems to be addressed : dinginess in water, air and terra firma( pollution) the deficiency of purification and distillation forestry (planting) the habit of chasteness the deficient sense of environmentalism the effect of dinginess to health the ways of being protected from illnesses.
Approaches to achieve our goal : Applying problem solving method to environmental education. Using TPR method to environmental education. Making outdoor education on environment like excursion on nature. Using explanation method: Preparing posters about environmental problems and hanging them around our location. Having pupils painted pictures about pollution and contamination of earth and giving seminar to both parents and children. Planning visiting to refining industries and transformation amenities. Planning competitions about picking up rubbish. Visiting partner countries and creating interaction among pupils. Allowing them to prepare projects about environmentalism Benefiting from our lessons such as “visual arts”, “protecting environment club” and “chasteness and health club”, “Biology”, “Geography” to improve environmentalism in pupils’ minds.
Prepared by Hanise KOCAARSLAN