Who might Willie Warren be? In what type of document do you think this writing was found?
What might Willie Warren’s original math problem be about? If you were going to create an original math problem what would it be about?
Do you need any additional information to determine how much money Willie received for his land? What type of unit is an acre?
Calculate how much money Willie received for his piece of land. What resources do you think Willie had to solve the problem? What resources do you have to solve the problem?
Do you have all the information you need to solve the problem?
Determine how much money Willie will have at the end of 5 years 6 months. Is there more than one way to solve the problem?
Is Willie’s work and answer correct? How is your calculation the same as Willie’s? How is it different?
American Indians of the Pacific Northwest This image came from the following hyperlink at the Library of Congress website