LOST in Survival BY Explorers Eliza &Allana
The Twisted Town Hall The Twisted Town Hall In town hall we create an alliance between our classmates. Also we have started to have clock appointment many games, activities, appreciations,etc. To fix town hall we are heard, understood, and acknowledged, and we call this: {drumroll please}
Energizer During energizer we keep going going gone. Energizer was made so that we can strech out our brain. Some of the games we play are : the Food chain game Tarzan OOOOOOOOOOOOOO and team juggle,etc.
Stranded on Australia Australia is a continent in the back of no where.Also Australia is a place where you can get stranded and have peace and quiet.Also we have a song for to sing with us.
Song about Australia G-day mates im glad you could make it for the ride that can change your life there's a train in the station ready and waiting so lets not waist any time we're going to be traveling leing over the amazing land down under and all along the way we will discoverer that on the boomer rang express you might see a kangaroo you might hear a didgeridoo…
Landed in the Farwell Ferris Wheel When you fallllll from the sky you land in the farewell ferris wheel that means its time to say good - bye with your favorite thing leaned today.Say good- bye to all of your friends.