ARE WE EQUAL YET? 2012 IBT’S WOMEN CONFERENCE SAN FRANCISCO Me Marie-France Veilleux, Teamsters Québec, local 1999
Does promoting equality and laws against discrimination really make a difference in the workplace ? Do men have more opportunities? Do they earn more than women ? Are we equal yet ? A woman will be really equal to a man the day incompetent women are appointed in important positions… Françoise Giroux A woman will be really equal to a man the day incompetent women are appointed in important positions… Françoise Giroux
Equality of chances for men and women to achieve their full potential; Equal work equal pay; Equitable balance between work and personal life; What is an equitable worplace ?
It begins at home, family values and education; School and educational system; Getting hired; Getting the promotions and other opportunities; Getting family status accommodations from your employer. Equality of chances to achieve full potential It’s everybody’s responsibility
In 2008, the gender pay gap in Canada was the fifth greatest in the OCDE countries. Is this gap caused by implicit discrimination due to lifestyle choices or by explicit discrimination ? Gender pay gap In 2010, women working full time in USA still earned only 77 %, on average, of what men earn. Only 64% in Wyoming In 2010, women working full time in USA still earned only 77 %, on average, of what men earn. Only 64% in Wyoming
Most families now rely on two wages to make ends meet. Therefore, equal pay is not simply a women’s issue but A FAMILY ISSUE. Very low paid and insecure jobs are mostly occupied by women; Women are still largely absent from blue collar skilled jobs; Women are mostly working in sectors where wages are generally lower. A Women’s issue ?
Critics say that the pay gap is simply a matter of personal choice; Studies show that men will consider primarily the salary when choosing a job. Women don’t ! Becoming a parent often has different outcomes for men and women; Also, women should develop their negotiating skills and adopt some behavior at work like self promoting or competitiveness. Is the pay gap really about women’s life choices ?
Do you believe that your are working in a fair environment ? What has been done ? Has anything changed? What do you think SHOULD be done ? What are YOU DOING right now ? What about your workplace
A study conducted by the London School of Economics, shows that the process of closing the gender pay gap has slowed substantially and women could earn less than men for the next 150 years because of discrimination and ineffective government policies; Looking at the gender pay gap over time, the United States Congress Joint Economic Committee showed that as explained inequities decrease, the unexplained pay gap remains unchanged. Did we arrived as far has we can ?
President Obama called this legislation "a common-sense bill” that will help ensure that men and women who do equal work receive the equal pay that they and their families deserve. However, the bill had no Republican Party co-sponsors, and on June 5th, 2012 it fell short of the 60 votes necessary to override a filibuster and did not make it to the Senate floor for debate. The paycheck fairness act: your votes count !
It’s not only Work-family balance now; Includes Social involvement; Personal interest; Taking care of your health and the health of those close to you Are we equal yet ? America is open for business 24/7
Having it all is an impossible standard for men and women to achieve and it is not what equity is about. Why women still can’t have it all !
While men spend more time at work, a research by the OCDE shows that men have an average half hour more a day for leisure time; This adds to 4 and a half week of vacation per year; Women spend more time in unpaid activities like housework, childcare, tending to senior parents, etc.. When given the opportunity, many women choose to have part time jobs. Men spend more time at work than women
Work-life balance is viewed totally differently in Europe; American workers average approximately ten paid holidays per year while British workers average twenty-five holidays and German employees thirty. Americans are at "work" twelve weeks more a year in total hours than Europeans though they are no more productive than the average European; When in Rome do like the Romans
Do you feel that you can effectively balance work and other aspects of your life ? Do you have enough time to see your friends and familly? Do you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities? What about your life ?
The goal is equity “It means that women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike.“ UNICEF “It means that women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike.“ UNICEF
Thanks to all of you who work everyday to make a difference Marie-France Veilleux