STATISTICS OF POLAND " Questions to the Central Statistical Office " The simple FAQ service versus a discussion web forum.
Forum - Pros & Cons There are 2 models of knowledge in the computer mediated communication: traditional - expert model new - collective wisdom model – "wisdom of crowds" (example: Internet discussion forum)
Forum - Pros & Cons Potential advantages of forum are obvious: Huge number of information recipients. E-interaction encourages people to discussion. Communication is egalitarian - many people can talk almost synchronously. Geographic and transport limitations disappear. Form of statistical e-learning. Efficient way of statistics popularization ("buzz marketing" is very fashionable).
Forum - Pros & Cons Potential advantages of forum are obvious: Improvement of information exchange between the CSO and its customers. Forum makes the knowledge synthesis of all users ("collective intelligence" or "connected intelligence"). Cooperation with users helps with improving statistical products according to expectations ("customer made" is today’s megatrend). Naive questions frequently help create better solutions. Way of building a net community around statistical institution.
Forum - Pros & Cons Forum problems: Forum usually concerns a main topic or one reality aspect (equal treatment of all statistical topics is important in dissemination). Mass information can deteriorate the quality of service (content must be clear also for less advanced users). Lack of consensus or lack of conclusion in discussion process. Users expect immediate reaction for their questions or requests – otherwise the forum is lifeless.
Forum - Pros & Cons Forum problems: Possible danger of groupthink syndrome (self-censorship of forum members, lack of cricticism etc.) – or contrary: Intentional publishing of controversional or absurd statements by users who tend to a conscious provocation ("the trolls" in web slang). Possible conflicts blocking the debate. Possible information redundancy as the result of information noise (worse communication efficiency). Rapid spread of mistakes or false interpretations among the forum members.
Forum - Pros & Cons Forum problems: Each web forum needs the "Gurus" - also called "the Angels" or "the Evangelists" - who are considered as the respectable experts and can maintain the debate. Expert can rapidly lose Guru’s position since statistics is hugely extensive domain and some mistake is always possible.
Conclusions: The simple FAQ service is stabler as dissemination tool at the current stage. A web forum should be taken into account as the future challenge. A single-topic discussion forum is planned to be created as an additional information and promotion medium for the next National Census in Poland.
QUESTIONS TO CSO Questions & Orders Questions to CSO
ASKING QUESTIONS (USER’S INTERFACE) User’s address User’s question Send
ASKING QUESTIONS USER’S INTERFACE: Please follow the animation …
MODERATOR’S WEB CONSOLE Questions and FAQ Service Show the questions FAQ Service Administration Panel
ANSWERING QUESTIONS There are 3 OPTIONS in the moderator’s web application.
ANSWERING QUESTIONS OPTION 1 - CONDITIONS: The question is worth adding to FAQ web list. The moderator can answer on his/her own (since the issue is typical).
MODERATOR’S INTERFACE (WEB APPLICATION – OPTION 1) The question will be added to FAQ web list. The moderator is answering on his/her own. Add question to FAQ list: YesNo Forward to Dissemination Department SendCancel Question: Answer *: User: Answer the question * - answer is mandatory
ANSWERING QUESTIONS OPTION 1: Please follow the animation …
OPTION 1: MODERATOR’S INTERFACE Questions (Output Queue) FAQ WEB LIST Frequently asked question ! ANSWER
Question link
FAQ WEB LIST Question & Answer Questions are removed manually.
ANSWERING QUESTIONS OPTION 2 - CONDITIONS: The question is not worth adding to FAQ list. The moderator can answer on his/her own (the issue is not too complex).
MODERATOR’S INTERFACE (WEB APPLICATION – OPTION 2) The question will not be added to FAQ list. The moderator is answering on his/her own. Add question to FAQ list: Yes No Forward to Dissemination Department SendCancel Question: Answer *: User: Answer the question * - answer is mandatory
ANSWERING QUESTIONS OPTION 2: Please follow the animation …
OPTION 2: MODERATOR’S INTERFACE Questions (Output Queue) Just a question … ANSWER
ANSWERING QUESTIONS OPTION 3 - CONDITIONS: The question is not typical (too complex, strange or wrongly directed). The moderator is not able to answer on his/her own.
MODERATOR’S INTERFACE (WEB APPLICATION – OPTION 3) The moderator is forwarding this question to CSO Dissemination Department. Add question to FAQ list: YesNoForward to Dissemination Department SendCancel Question: Answer *: User: Answer the question - answer is mandatory Your question has been for
ANSWERING QUESTIONS OPTION 3: Please follow the animation …
OPTION 3: MODERATOR’S INTERFACE Questions (Output Queue) Complex question … CSO Dissemination Department ANSWER WAIT PLEASE Experts Enigmatic question … Wrongly directed question … OR
ANSWERING QUESTIONS Examples of wrongly directed questions: "Please help me find out something more about my ancestor who migrated to Poland from the lands of today’s Ukraine. His surname was …" "How many people have Makowski surname in Poland? I need this information for my book … " The CSO Information Department experts always try to give at least a useful clue …
ANSWERING QUESTIONS Daily about 20 questions are received. Each question is removed automatically from the system just after sending the with reply. Storage in a system database does not make sense because questions are too numerous. Questions and answers listed in the FAQ web service are removed manually.
The End Thank you for attention