EMSP CEED Seminar April 2004 Balázs Sátor The Civil Society Development Foundation Hungary
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Sustainability a capacity, a potential, an ability rather than a given fact capacity of the organization to fulfill its mission and reach its vision more than survival: growth, development, impact perceived indicator of success of the organization
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Elements of organizational sustainability Institutional Sustainability: capacity to provide for the strategic framework, effective leadership and efficient organizational background for the NGO Program Sustainability: capacity to provide for the best possible services and programs, making an impact, improve the lives of beneficiaries with the resources available Financial Sustainability: capacity to generate the resources necessary to achieve institutional and programme sustainability
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Institutional Sustainability Elements of Institutional Sustainability: Strategy Governance/Structure Leadership Management Communication/ External and Internal PR Human resources Organizational Culture
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Program Sustainability Elements of Program Sustainability: Professional Clarity/Competence Needs Assessment Quality Assurance Project Management Documentation Stakeholder/User Involvement Results/Impacts-Outcomes-Outputs
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Financial Sustainability Elements of Financial Sustainability: Infractructure Resource Base Donor Relations Liquidity Solvency Profitability Business Income Financial Management Transparency/Audit
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Analysis of Internal and External Environment and Resources S t r e n g t h s Internal W e a k n e s s e s O p p o r t u n i t i e s External T h r e a t s
CSDF Hungary, 2004 A realistic SWOT analysis Internal resourcesExternal environment *quantity analysis*macro-level analysis (concrete resources)(social, political,economic context) *quality analysis*micro-level analysis (abstract resources)(co-operation,competition, stakeholders)
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Fit Analysis & Strategic Issues The SWOT analysis should result in a clear assessment of where the organization is in the environment - organizational position. The juxtaposition of the organization and its environment - with a clear statement and ranking of the organizational core competencies (strengths), developmental issues (weaknesses), environmental opportunities, and threats will illuminate the key strategic issues facing the organization.
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Challenges in assesments Sometimes the organizations strengths can be viewed as weaknesses also, and vice-versa. The same is true in the external assessment - environmental threats can often be turned into opportunities, and the pursuit of environmental opportunities implies risk-taking or potential threat to the organization.
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Purpose of Environmental Analysis(External): To alert the organization to the various external or future oriented threats and opportunities that may prompt or require an organizational response within the planning horizon. To anticipate changes in the environment before useful avenues of possible response are closed off. To prepare the organization to respond effectively to the outside world - before a crisis emerges.
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Areas for monitoring: Macro: Forces and trends Political Economic Social Technical Micro: Key resource controllers ccustomers/clients payers or funders dues-paying members regulators/relevant policy making bodies Actual or potential compe- titors and/or collaborators.
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Purpose of Organizational Assessment (Internal) : Used to assess the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization - Organizational Audit - to determine the unique organizational capabilities/core competencies (strengths) and areas that need improvement-organizational development (weaknesses), in order to better pursue environmental opportunities and manage environmental risks. Focus is on the present conditions in the organization. One result might be a list of the core competencies that exist in the organization, and what additional ones need development.
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Areas to analyse Quantity Analysis: · Client/customer base · Financial/other resources · Important/influential stakeholders · Markets served · Product/service lines · Number/mix of donors · etc
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Areas to analyse Quality Analysis: · Marketing systems/know how · Distribution/delivery systems · Image · Human resources - special skills · Administrative systems · etc
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Strategic Issues and Fit
CSDF Hungary, 2004 How to do it? Identifying Strategic Issues: Strategic issues are critical challenges that effect the key elements of the organization such as: mission and values, product or service levels or mix, financing, organization, and/or management.
CSDF Hungary, 2004 How to do it? Strategic planning tries to achieve the best fit between the organization and its environment. Attention to environmental forces is planning from the outside in. Attention to mission, organizational values, and internal strengths and weaknesses is planning from the inside out.
CSDF Hungary, 2004 Thank you for your attention! Conatct: The Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) Hungary H-1117 Budapest, Mészöly u. 4. III/3 Tel: Fax: or