Using MyPyramid in Your Life
One Size Does Not Fit All! USDA created 12 pyramids for 12 calorie levels, from 1,000 to 3,200. Calorie levels are based on: Gender Age Activity
Three Key Messages Make smart choices within and among the food groups. Keep a balance between food intake and physical activity. Get the most nutrients from your calories.
Anatomy of MyPyramid Activity Variety Moderation Proportionality Personalization Gradual Improvement
Anatomy of MyPyramid ACTIVITY Represented by the steps and the person climbing them.
Physical Activity Recommendations for Adults At least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week for health. To avoid weight gain with age or to lose weight, 60 minutes a day. To maintain weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes per day.
Moderate physical activities Walking briskly (about 3½ mph) Hiking Gardening/yard work Dancing Golf (walking and carrying clubs) Bicycling (less than 10 mph) Weight training (general light workout)
Vigorous physical activities Running/jogging (5 mph) Bicycling (more than 10 mph) Swimming (freestyle laps) Aerobics Walking very fast (4½ mph) Heavy yard work, such as chopping wood Weight lifting (vigorous effort) Basketball (competitive)
My Daily Activity Plan GOAL: 60 min Brisk walk – 20 minutes Walk during coffee break – 10 minutes GOAL: 60 min Housework after work – 10 minutes Stretching and strength training while watching evening news – 20 minutes
Anatomy of MyPyramid VARIETY The six color bands represent the five food groups, plus oils. This illustrates that foods from all groups are needed daily. Grains Vegetables Fruit OILS Milk Meat & Beans
Whole Grains Whole-wheat flour Bulgur (cracked wheat) Oatmeal Whole cornmeal Brown rice Kasha (buckwheat groats)
Refined Grains White flour Degermed cornmeal Most pastas White rice
Make Half Your Grains Whole Check ingredient lists on labels. Look at dietary fiber on Nutrition Facts panel. Select 100% whole grain breads and cereals. Substitute whole grains for refined in recipes (start with half). Be adventurous and try quinoa, bulgur, kasha, and other grains. Add whole grains to mixed dishes.
Grains: Recommended Intakes Females Sedentary: 26-50 years: 6 oz equivalents 51 and over: 5 oz equivalents Mod. Active: 26 and over: 6 oz equivalents Males Sedentary: 21-40 years: 8 oz equivalents 41-60 years: 7 oz equivalents 61 and over: 6 oz equivalents Mod. Active: 26-45 years: 9 oz equivalents 46-65 years: 8 oz equivalents 66 and over: 7 oz equivalents
Vary Your Veggies Includes weekly recommendations for: Dark green vegetables Orange vegetables Legumes Starchy vegetables Other vegetables
Vary Your Veggies Buy fresh veggies in season. Select high potassium veggies. Use more fresh or frozen, less canned (except low sodium). Have salad with dinner every night. Add veggies to casseroles, pasta sauce, quick breads, etc. Select fast food salad rather than fries. Choose dark salad greens over iceberg.
Vegetables: Recommended Intakes Females Sedentary: 26-50 years: 2½ cups 51 and over: 2 cups Mod. Active: 26 and over: 2½ cups Males Sedentary: 21-60 years: 3 cups 61 and over: 2½ cups Mod. Active: 26-45 years: 3½ cups 46 and over: 3 cups
Focus on Fruits Use fruits in salads, toppings, desserts, and for snacks. Keep dried fruit handy for snacks. Cut up fruit on cereal, pancakes, and waffles. Include canned and frozen fruits. Select fruits and juices high in potassium. Buy in season. Choose fruit more often than juice.
Fruits: Recommended Intakes Females Sedentary: 26 and over: 1½ cups Mod. Active: 26-50 years: 2 cups 51 and over: 1½ cups Males Sedentary: 19 and over: 2 cups Mod. Active: 26 and over: 2 cups
Get Your Calcium Rich Foods Focus on fat-free or low-fat milk. Drink fat-free or low-fat milk with meals and snacks. Choose low-fat cheeses. Use milk to make hot cereals. Have low-fat yogurt as a snack. Use lactose-free products if needed. Select non-dairy high-calcium foods and beverages if desired
Milk: Recommended Intake Male and female adults, as well as 9 to 18 year olds, and some younger children, should have 3 cups of milk or equivalent daily.
Go Lean With Protein Select leanest cuts of meat. Trim all fat and remove skin from poultry. Prepare with no added fat. Choose lean luncheon meats. Eat fish and beans often. Select omega-3 FA-rich fish more often (except high-risk groups … see: Include nuts in snacks, salads, and main dishes.
Meat and Beans: Recommended Intakes Females Sedentary: 26 and over: 5 oz equivalents Mod. Active: 26-50 years: 5½ oz equivalents Males Sedentary: 21-40 years: 6½ oz equivalents 41-60 years: 6 oz equivalents 61 and over: 5½ oz equivalents Mod. Active: 26-65 years: 6½ oz equivalents 66 and over: 6 oz equivalents
Oils: Tips for Healthy Choices Use vegetable oils rather than solid fats. Substitute nuts for meat or cheese as snack or in a meal. Choose omega-3 FA-rich fish (except high-risk groups: see: Use Nutrition Facts to select foods low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. Select foods prepared with little or no fat or oil. Select lean or low-fat foods most often.
Oils: Recommended Intakes Females Sedentary: 19-30 years: 6 tsp 31 and over: 5 tsp Mod. Active: 19-30 years: 7 tsp 31 and over: 6 tsp Men Sedentary: 19-30 years: 7 tsp Mod. Active: 19-30 years: 8 tsp 31 and over: 7 tsp
Chemical Bonds in Fats Saturated fatty acid/hydrogenated fats Unsaturated fatty acid H | -C - C- H | -C = C- Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Carbon-Carbon Single Bond
Trans Fats Trans fatty acids Cis fatty acids H | -C = C- H | -C = C-
Trans Fats in Food Supply
EXTRAS (Discretionary Calories)
Anatomy of MyPyramid MODERATION Each food group narrows toward the top: Base: foods with little or no solid fats or added sugars. Top: foods with more added sugars and/or solid fats.
Where do these foods fit?
Anatomy of MyPyramid PROPORTIONALITY The food group bands have different widths - a general guide to the proportion to eat from each group.
Anatomy of MyPyramid PERSONALIZATION The person on the steps, the URL, and the slogan, stress finding the amount of foods YOU need daily.
Anatomy of MyPyramid GRADUAL IMPROVEMENT Suggested by the slogan. People can take small steps each day to improve their diet and lifestyle.
Using MyPyramid Determine your calorie needs. Use table or go to Values based on calories needed to maintain a healthy body weight. Your personal calorie needs may be more or less. Consider your body weight goals.
MyPyramid Food Intake Pattern Calorie Levels MALES FEMALES Sedentary Mod.Active Active Sedentary Mod.Active Active AGE
Daily Amount of Food from Each Group Calorie level 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 Fruits 1½ cups 2 cups Vegetables 2½ cups 3 cups 3½ cups Grains 5 oz-eq 6 oz-eq 7 oz-eq 8 oz-eq 9 oz-eq Meat & beans 5½ oz-eq 6½ oz-eq Milk Oils 5 tsp 6 tsp 7 tsp 8 tsp Discretionary Calorie Allowance 132 195 267 290 362 410
Using MyPyramid Determine your calorie needs. Review amount to eat from each food group.
Using MyPyramid Determine your calorie needs. Review amount to eat from each food group. Plan meals and snacks. See tips on Try new foods and healthy preparation methods. Get the family involved.
Get Real with Portions Be aware of portion distortion. Choose reasonable portion sizes. Use smaller plates. Eat slowly and stop when comfortably full.
Calorie Difference: 210 calories BAGEL 20 Years Ago Today 140 calories 3-inch diameter 350 calories 6-inch diameter Calorie Difference: 210 calories
CHEESEBURGER Today 20 Years Ago Calorie Difference: 257 calories
Calorie Difference: 165 Calories SODA 20 Years Ago Today 85 Calories 6.5 ounces 250 Calories 20 ounces Calorie Difference: 165 Calories
1½ ounces* of natural cheese = 6 dice Portion sizes: Cheese 1½ ounces* of natural cheese = 6 dice * Equivalent to 1 cup milk (2 oz. processed cheese – 8 dice – also equivalent to 1 cup milk)
3 oz. cooked meat, fish, or poultry = a deck of cards Portion sizes: Meat 3 oz. cooked meat, fish, or poultry = a deck of cards
Portion sizes: ½ and 1 cup 1 cup = 1 baseball ½ cup = ½ baseball
Portion sizes: 1 teaspoon & 1 tablespoon 1 teaspoon = the tip of a thumb to the first joint 1 tablespoon = 3 thumb tips
Using MyPyramid Determine your calorie needs. Review amount to eat from each food group. Plan meals and snacks. Keep food records or use My Pyramid Tracker on line.
Using MyPyramid Determine your calorie needs. Review amount to eat from each food group. Plan meals and snacks. Keep food records or use My Pyramid Tracker on line. Balance food intake with physical activity.
Using MyPyramid Determine calorie needs. Review amount to eat from each food group. Plan meals and snacks. Keep food records or use My Pyramid Tracker on line. Balance food intake with physical activity. Assess how you are doing.
Resources – official website of the new food guidance system - federal portal to many nutrition and health websites - reliable nutrition resources for consumers and professionals – University of Florida/IFAS downloadable Extension publications
Acknowledgements Developed by Linda B. Bobroff, Ph.D., RD, Professor and Extension Nutrition Specialist, Dept. of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, IFAS, University of Florida, June 2005 Portions of this slide set were adapted from: Spending Your Calorie Salary, University of Nebraska – Lancaster County Extension. Portion Distortion, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH. Available at: