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These are the BASC-2 authors
Who are Cecil R. Reynolds & Randy W. Kamphaus?
This is the number of BASC editions that are available
What are 2 editions?
The behavior and emotions of children
What does the BASC-2 measure?
Years two through twenty-five
What age ranges is the BASC - 2 appropriate for use?
The BASC-2 is described as having these two components
What are multimethod and multidimensional?
The BASC-2 consists of this many scales
What are 5 scales?
Direct observations of a child’s behavior can be coded and recorded using this
What is the Student Observation System (SOS) scale?
This 12-page history and background survey helps gather crucial information for the diagnostic and treatment process.
What is the Structured Developmental History (SDH)?
This scale provides insight into a child or adult’s thoughts and feelings.
What is the Self- Report of Personality (SRP)?
This scale contains items.
What is the PRS?
The BASC-2 is written in these two languages.
What are English and Spanish?
The teacher, parent, and child.
From whom is the BASC-2 information gathered?
This population is included in the standardization sample, yet separate norms are not available for the population.
What is the Spanish- speaking population?
This is based on the 2001 U.S. Census data.
What is the standardization sample?
Be cautious using this form with varying ethnicities, races and cultures.
What is the Parent Report Form?
There is limited validity information about applicability with this school population.
Who are preschoolers?
These scales use the 4-point response format.
What are the PRS and TRS?
What is the software used to measure the results?
The elevated index that indicates that a child has endorsed nonsensical items and may have responded carelessly or had trouble understanding the items.
What is the V index?
When two of these statements are marked “true,” the scale may be invalid.
What are implausible statements?
This book contains information about all recognized mental health disorders.
What is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM IV-TR)?
This act identifies child emotional and behavioral disorders to be responded to in educational settings.
What is The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
This is an omnibus inventory, with scales that combine into an overall measure.
What is the SRP?
This is taking the sum of the T scores and entering it in the box beneath them.
What is finding the composite score?
These scales measure numerous characteristics, but only take 10 to 20 minutes to administer.
What are the PRS and the TRS?
This is the person who evaluates his or her child using the BASC-2.
What is a parent?
These can be determined by the PRS, but not the TRS.
What are Activities of Daily Living?
The person who rates his or her student.
What is a teacher?
Study skills and learning problems cannot be determined using this scale.
What is the PRS?
Conduct Problems, Leadership, Learning Problems and Study Skills
What cannot be determined in a preschooler using the BASC-2?
A Distinguished Research Scholar at Texas A & M University, Professor of Educational Psychology and Professor of Neuroscience.
Who is Dr. Reynolds?